After a long beta and delayed launch date, Wargaming is finally ready to take off with World of Warplanes.
After a long beta and delayed launch date, Wargaming is finally ready to take off with World of Warplanes.
As good as it is, no game is perfect at launch, and that's why Path of Exile's got a number of tweaks and adjustments coming today in patch 1.0.1. As Lead Designer Chris Wilson details in the video, 1.0.1 is the first in a plan...
I've always wondered why Cryptic Studios calls their Star Trek Online updates seasons, like boldly going where no man has gone before is some sort of sporting event.
SOE has been promising major Planetside 2 performance updates for a long, long time now and I am happy to announce today the developer has made good on those promises.
While everyone's ooh-ing and aah-ing over the next big thing in MMOs – whether that be EverQuest Next, The Elder Scrolls Online, WildStar, or something else – it's not hard to overlook a game that's been chugging along and pro...
Rift's latest update sends the MMO underwater, Blizzard reveals more info on Heroes of the Storm, Lego Minifigures Online opens beta signups, and a Jane Austin inspired MMO heads to kickstarter.
During Blizzcon 2013, Blizzard's focus was less directed towards its competitive esports RTS, Starcraft 2.
SOE is inviting everyone to "plant your flag" first in Everquest Next: Landmark by planting their credit card down and purchasing one of three new Founder's packs announced today for the build-it-yourself MMO.
EverQuest II's 10th expansion, Tears of Veeshan, introduces a new character class, the channeler, nine-new dungeons, more AA options, new, more flexible itemization, and a lot more.
While the focus is undeniably on World of Warcraft and the just-announced Warlords of Draenor expansion, Blizzard revealed plenty of juicy details regarding its free-to-play properties in their keynote speech to kick off BlizzCo...
During the opening ceremony of Blizzard's 7th BlizzCon convention, Game director Dustin Browder took to the stage to give some early details surrounding the team's upcoming universe-crossing MOBA Heroes of the Storm.
Command and Conquer development shuts down, Neverwinter’s upcoming module is adding a new class, Marriage makes its way into Age of Wushu’s next expansion, Hawken constructs a new Co-Op mode and more on this week’s episode...
We now know their will officially be a MapleStory sequel.
We are now roughly two months away from the end of 2013, and sometime between now and then SOE maintains they are beginning the closed beta for their first of two "next-gen" MMOs, Everquest Next: Landmark.