As Riot looks towards the start of its fourth season of competitive League of Legends, the company has made new adjustments to its League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) regulations which significantly change how profession...
As Riot looks towards the start of its fourth season of competitive League of Legends, the company has made new adjustments to its League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) regulations which significantly change how profession...
Gaijin has just announced the start of the closed beta and the release of a new Alpha gameplay trailer for War Thunder's upcoming tank expansion, Ground Forces.
The ecological apocalypse that is Survarium is inching towards their closed beta, according to the latest dev diary by Vostok Games.
Ever, Jane just squeaked by and reached their $100k Kickstarter goal, by giving pledge rewards like an "Associate producer" credit for $500 and a "Lead Producer" credit for $5000, in case you want to pizzazz your resume.
Ambitious sandbox MMORPG The Repopulation got a healthy dose of modifications in November, as detailed by lead developer Joshua Hall in a lengthy update list.
Let's cut to the chase shall we?...
In this special episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, MMOBomb community member Xaenex joins in on the discussions as the group offers their opinions on Blade & Soul's Open Beta in China, Ragnarok Online spiritual successor Tree o...
C9 (Continents of the Ninth Seal) is launching their fourth expansion entitled Rahkdan's Counterattack today.
Raise your hand if you forgot SMITE hadn't officially launched.
Eight down, thirty two more to go.
GameGlobe calls it quits, Blade & Soul goes F2P...in China, Ragnarok Online spiritual successor Tree of Savior reveals some early details, and Marvel Heroes introduces PvP.
Trove was only announced 10 days ago, but if you want to start throwing money at it, Trion Worlds won't stop you!...
Hey, no one said you were going to be able to play Blade and Soul for free in the West and have it localized in English simultaneously.
It can be a sad time announcing a game's untimely departure, especially if that game attempted to do something at least moderately different from the crowds of clones crowding the small span of space that is our attention.