Starting this fall, Uncharted Waters Online will cross the great publisher sea, moving away from long time publisher Netmarble and establishing itself under OGPlanet.
Starting this fall, Uncharted Waters Online will cross the great publisher sea, moving away from long time publisher Netmarble and establishing itself under OGPlanet.
APB: Reloaded is getting a new engine, Path of Exile launches, City of Steam stirs up some controversy, DC Universe Online prepares for a massive update, and more on this week’s episode of the F2P Weekly!...
EA's reboot of the popular Command & Conquer RTS franchise, may be finally transitioning out of alpha and into closed beta, maybe.
It only took a couple of releases for me to figure out Zombie Studios development cycle.
TQ Digital recently announced that their free-to-play FPS, Absolute Force Online, will be shutting down in November.
SOE has been steadily drip feeding fans news surrounding efforts to optimize their futuristic MMOFPS Planetside 2.
Well this doesn't seem very fair.
With the Playstation 4's release less than a month away, the consoles ensemble of ported PC titles are busy sprucing themselves up for the big day.
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast the whole Cast is back to discuss the recent Dungeons & Dragons Online protest, which have caused massive sit-ins in game.
The visually-stunning City of Steam may have hit high marks on their physical aesthetics goal, but unfortunately, they fell short of their most important one, player retention.
With an official announcement on the EverQuest Next forum, Beta sign-ups for Landmark have arrived!...
Sound the trumpets, beat the wardrums, and ready your most trusted weapon for Path of Exile has shed its beta title today.
Magika: Wizard Wards grants early access through Steam, Warface reappears with a release date, League of Legends had a TCG, Black Gold reveals new info about its upcoming beta, and more on this week’s episode of the F2P Weekl...