Trion announces their new Voxel based game Trove, War Thunder gets a Closed Beta date for its upcoming Tank Expansion, Dungeonland goes free-to-playish, and a Planetside 2 optimization patch does wonders for player’s FPS..
Trion announces their new Voxel based game Trove, War Thunder gets a Closed Beta date for its upcoming Tank Expansion, Dungeonland goes free-to-playish, and a Planetside 2 optimization patch does wonders for player’s FPS..
It will have been just over three months between Neverwinter's first expansion Fury of the Feywild, and its second, Shadowmantle whose release date has now been revealed as December 5th.
In a universe filled with superheroes fighting supervillains, Gazillion Entertainment has finally found a way to have superheroes fight themselves, thus cutting out the need for supervillains altogether.
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast the cast talks about Gloria Victis updating its animations per the Bomb communities request, the in-n-outs of Life is Fuedal, Trion's new voxel based game Trove, and EverQuest Next:...
The majority of Anime MMO's that come out nowadays posses some sort of pet or companion feature.
Players ready to defend the walls of the Hornburg against thousands of Orcs and Uruk-hai in the Helm's Deep expansion for The Lord of the Rings Online must hold for just a while longer.
For many, Ragnarok Online 2 was an ill attempt at a proper sequel to the original.
Most of us haven't been lucky enough to try out SOE's upcoming build-it-yourself MMO, EverQuest Next: Landmark, but now we may have the next closest thing.
Jeff Hickman loves Star Wars, you can tell by the Rebel/Empire tattoo on his arm and the way his eyes light up anytime someone mentions "Death Star trench runs".
After a cryptic tease on the newly created @TroveGame Twitter account Wednesday, Trion Worlds officially revealed their newest project, Trove.
Dungeonland is a cooperative hack-and-slash which lets players adventure through a dangerous medieval theme park.
War Thunder developer Gaijin Entertainment just announced the Closed Beta for their upcoming Ground Forces Tank expansion.
I'm not sure what Dungeonland has against sheep.
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast the whole cast is back to discuss the new details about Blizzard's "Hero Brawler", Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard revealing new info for Hearthstone & Starcraft Arcade, EverQuest Nex...