Warframe (Page 12)

TennoCon News: Warframe's Game Changing Expansion

During this weekend's Warframe fan convention -- TennoCon -- Digital Extremes announced a big expansion for the game, one that will introduce an open world environment.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Warframe Hits New Concurrent Players High On Steam

Following the recent Octavia's Anthem update for Warframe, developer Digital Extremes announced that the game hit a new record peak concurrent player count on Steam.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Editorial: Is Pay-to-Win Behavior Always Bad?

In this week's editorial we take a look at Pay-to-Win and its Critical Role in PVE heavy games like Warframe. Everyone who has played Warframe knows that many of the paid currency sinks are completely pay-to-win in their st...

By Steven Hawke -
Warframe's Glast Gambit Now Available On PS4 and XB1

Games on consoles have to go through an approval process with their manufacturers, either Sony or Microsoft, which explains why PC updates for games often come out before console updates.

By Jason Winter -