When your newest enemy is described as "a hulking mass of infestation ready to assimilate all that stands in its path," you'd better be prepared for the worst.
When your newest enemy is described as "a hulking mass of infestation ready to assimilate all that stands in its path," you'd better be prepared for the worst.
Catching up to your friends in Warframe?...
Suit up, Tenno!...
Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the sp...
Alright PC Space Ninjas, the new Warframe update, Echoes of the Sentient, has been unleashed into the free to play game and with the update comes not only the new weapons and gear that you're used to, but also a few new tricks...
Having launched last month on the PC, Digital Extremes has now brought the "Tubemen of Regor" update to console players of the free to play title, Warframe.
The Tubemen of Regor are coming!...
Google is my spirit animal.
We got an idea of Warframe's 2015 plans a few weeks ago at PAX East, and the first of those planned updates is now live for PC players of the game. The Sanctuary update adds the Chroma warframe, which changes its damage dep...
Digital Extremes has started the information download on what space ninjas can expect from Warframe this year and it looks like players aren't going to be disappointed.
Digital Extremes has launched relays on all platforms (PC, PS4, and Xbox One) in their space ninja simulator, Warframe.
PC players have been taking to the skies for a while now, but the latest update for Warframe has added a whole new dimension to the game for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players. The Archwing update is now live for console ...
The title of the press release really says it all: Warframe To Assemble 'The Largest Gathering Of People Wearing False Mustaches Simultaneously In A Video Game' This Friday, November 14th In other news the Guinness B...
On this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, we add some more gameplay for those that missed it, chat about Warframe's new business partners, housing in Free MMOs, and drop the Weekly Bombs!...
The potential move that has had the Warframe forums ablaze for a while has finally happened, but it appears that more than one player was involved in the acquisition. There's a lot of "parent company" jargon in the acquisit...
In the next step toward their ongoing crusade for world domination through free-to-play gaming, Perfect World Entertainment has added its first non-PWE game to its Arc platform: GamersFirst's APB: Reloaded. Path of Exile is...
As if being a futuristic space ninja wasn't cool enough...
MMOBomb catches up with the developers from Digital Extremes creators of Warframe, to find out just what the company has been up to with the MMO.
Say you want a PlayStation 4, but you don't want to have to buy a PlayStation Plus subscription to play your free-to-play games online.
Sony is quickly establishing their next-gen console as a viable platform for developers to publish Free-to-Play titles onto.
A game with ninjas (even space ones) should always pay homage to the things that make ninjas, well ninjas.
With a proverbial kick, Warframe has opened the vent grate and pushed itself through the tight spaceship crawlspace that is closed beta and into the vast landscape of open beta.
Warframe, the game about people piloting superhuman space-fish suits, has been on our radar for some time now.
The folks over at Digital Extremes are hard at work developing Warframe but the studio stopped just long enough to deliver us a Dev diary chock full of gameplay.
Digital Extremes, the makers of The Darkness 2, just released their first gameplay trailer for the upcoming free-to-play cooperative shooter Warframe. While F2P shooters are extremely common PvE oriented shooters are not.
Digital Extremes (the developer behind The Darkness 2, Bioshock, Unreal, and more) has announced the free-to-play Warframe, a fast-paced co-op shooter currently in development and set to hit the PC market this winter. Set in th...