Warframe posted ...
Warframe posted ...
Leyou Technologies Inc., a Chinese producer of chicken products -- which, as you might recall, owns both Warframe developer Digital Extremes and Dirty Bomb maker Splash Damage -- has created a new company in the United States ...
The Beasts of the Sanctuary update for Warframe is now live on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, bringing a new Warframe and game mode to console players.
Last Friday, Digital Extremes hosted a Warframe devstream focused on upcoming content, including the first new Warframe to be added in 2018.
When you call a new Warframe the "golden avian of destruction," it better be really cool.
Digital Extremes is kicking off the 5th anniversary celebration for its free-to-play online action game Warframe today.
Warframe's most recent update, Shrine of the Eidolon, is slated to arrive on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 some time next week.
Grab your caffeinated drink of choice and flex that F5-hitting finger.
Today, the team at Digital Extremes hosted a special devstream celebrating the Warframe's 5th anniversary and doling out information on the the next landscape -- Venus.
Get ready to celebrate, Warframe players...
If you've been following me on MMOBomb for any length of time, you'll know that I often speak out against “grindy” games.
Today marks the release of Warframe's Shrine of The Eidolon update on PC.
Once again, loyal Warframe fans will have the opportunity to gather in London, Ontario and celebrate the game they love.
Now, console players can get in on the Grineer Ghoul-hunting action.
When I started my "Tales from a Newbie" article series last month, I totally spaced on the holidays.
We've talked about Warframe's unlikely success story before, and Digital Extremes' space-ninja hack-and-slasher has exceeded its creators' wildest dreams.
Valve has put out its list of 2017's top sellers on Steam -- or, more accurately, "The top 100 games as measured by gross revenue" -- and a couple of free-to-play games are near the top of the list, alongside some blockbuster ...
For our end-of-the-year awards, we could have done the typical (and boring) categories, but that's not how we roll here at MMOBomb.
What a wild and wacky 2017 it's been!...
Digital Extremes might have a holiday update for its Warframe players, but apparently it's not going to be the festive, cute stuff we're used to from most games.
I enjoy Destiny 2.
Steam is love, Steam is life – and some games are more lively than others. Valve's platform has it all, good and bad.
Digital Extremes announced today that the latest update for its free-to-play shooter Warfame has made its way to consoles.
Come November 14, console Warframe players will be able to jump into the game's latest content update, Plains of Eidolon.
These days, it's hard to remember what entity owns which game developer.
The latest update for Dauntless added a bunch of stuff to Phoenix Labs' monster-slayer F2P game.
Warframe's open world PvE-centric update Plains of Eidolon seems to be attracting a lot of players.
Plains of Eidolon, the latest update for Digital Extreme's free-to-play game Warframe, launches on PC and Steam today.
Digital Extremes is expanding.
We still don't have a precise date for the launch of Warframe's new Plains of Eidolon update, but we do know that it will be arriving on PC sometime next week with the PS4 and XBO versions being slated for November.