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Armored Warfare Bulks Up With Tier 10 Tanks

Obsidian Entertainment is bringing out the big guns for its next update, which brings heavy-hitting Tier 10 tanks to the world of Armored Warfare. As Armored Warfare takes place in the 2030s, the Tier 10 tanks represent veh...

By Jason Winter -
Armored Warfare Takes A Vacation On New Coastal Threat Map

No, Obsidian Entertainment isn't putting aquatic tanks in Armored Warfare, but that doesn't mean you can't head on down to the beach for a little R&R. The game's new map, Coastal Threat, is set in the Black Sea region and f...

By Jason Winter -
Armored Warfare Adds Visual Camouflage

The latest update (0.12.1776) for Obsidian Entertainment's and's free-to-play game Armored Warfare introduces the coveted visual camouflage feature.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Armored Warfare's Plans For 2016: Make Everything Better

Armored Warfare Senior Producer Joshua Morris has penned a producer's letter on the AW forums, thanking fans for the successes of 2015 and looking forward to 2016 and what the team needs to do to improve the game.

By Jason Winter -
Skyforge Introduces A New Region: Usuni Valley

Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment have opened a new region in their free-to-play MMO, Skyforge, for players who have reached 187,000 Prestige to explore. Usuni Valley was once a serene place surrounded by mountains, locked...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Skyforge's Journey Of The Divine Update Dropped Today

Skyforge received a huge update today, entitled "Journey of the Divine." The new update brings a variety of new elements to the free-to-play game, including: Invasion Avatars -- Avatars of invading alien gods that attack d...

By QuintLyn Bowers -