At the request of players, My.com has published a blog explaining how to use the Aptitude resource -- a special resource designed to help players gain more XP.
At the request of players, My.com has published a blog explaining how to use the Aptitude resource -- a special resource designed to help players gain more XP.
With the advent of Closed Beta 3, players can look forward to experiencing PvP in Revelation Online.
My.com is set to kick off the third Closed Beta test event for its free-to-play MMO Revelation Online.
The western version of Cloud Pirates has had a slew of updates added between beta phases and now it's time to let the players in to take a peek at how the free-to-play airship combat game is progressing.
Time to get your "Holiday Event" on in Aelion as Skyforge kicks of a number of events for players.
Gamasutra is reporting that Obsidian Entertainment has laid off some of its staff working on Armored Warfare.
Today, NetEase and My.com announced the dates for the next round of Closed Beta testing for Revelation Online.
Allods Online's upcoming Immortality update will add the game's eighth playable race, one made up of divine creatures called Aeds.
Revelation Online's latest blog continues the coverage of PvE content that will be available in the game -- this time covering World Bosses and the thing that everyone really cares about...
Every online game gets a balance pass now and then -- some big, some small.
Obsidian Entertainment isn't afraid to try different things with Armored Warfare.
Skyforge players will be happy to know that December 3rd's War Eternal update will be arriving alongside some additional content.
Revelation Online's latest class trailer covers what may be one of the game's more powerful classes, the Swordmage.
Dungeons and raids are an important part of any MMO PvE experience.
A newly minted infographic for Revelation Online's first closed beta test, which ends today, show that people really dug the new MMO from My.com.
Say what you will about Skyforge -- and its recent Ascension update -- it's at least nice to see that My.com and Allods team are trying to respond to player feedback.
It's the first time a Western audience has been able to get their hands on a localized version of Revelation Online and although My.com still has a ton of work to do on that front (this felt more like a late alpha than a first...
The first round of Closed Beta testing for My.com's Revelation Online went live today on North American and European servers.
Closed Beta is just around the corner for My.com's upcoming free-to-play MMORPG Revelation Online.
Do guns belong in fantasy MMOs?...
The latest update for The Allods Team's free-to-play game Skyforge is officially live on the servers and the team has decided to celebrate by dropping a swanky new video featuring the new Outlaw class.
I've long maintained that the best way to keep people interested in an MMO is for them to have friends to play with.
NetEase Games and My.com announced today that their free-to-play game Revelation Online will be entering closed beta on Tuesday, October 25th.
Obsidian Entertainment and My.com are celebrating the first anniversary of Armored Warfare's open beta launch all this week, inviting players to log into the game to earn free tanks and enjoy other bonuses. By participating...
Big changes are coming to currencies and valuables -- and how they are obtained in Skyforge.
Two events kicked off in Allods Online yesterday and today, giving players of specific classes the opportunity to grab some neat gear.
In Skyforge's upcoming Ascension update, players can look forward to changes that will allow them to (potentially) catch up with the top players on the server.
Time to customize your airship and take to the skies for airship combat in The Allods Team's upcoming free-to-play Cloud Pirates.
PvPers finally get a look at what PvP will be link in Revelation Online thanks to a recent blog post from the devs.
Allods Online's Update 7.0.2 is bringing something interesting to the game, particularly for raiders, dominion fans, and PvPers -- basically anyone who just likes a fight.