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Skyforge Adds Another Progression Path For God-Form Immortals

Yo dawg, we heard you liked some Ascension Atlas, so we put some Ascension Atlas in your Ascension Atlas... OK, technically it's called the Divine Atlas, and it's unlocked after your Skyforge character achieves his or her D...

By Jason Winter -
Skyforge Dev Diary Details Update Contents

We don't have a date for Skyforge's first major update post open beta launch yet, but we do know quite a bit of the details that will be included in the free to play MMORPG's update thanks to a dev dairy released today by the ...

By Michael Byrne -
Skyforge Open Beta Starts Today

If you haven't yet had a chance to play and Obsidian Entertainment's free to play MMORPG Skyforge, today gives you the chance as open beta has officially launched.

By Michael Byrne -
Skyforge Kicks Off Last Closed Beta

Skyforge makes the final push towards an open beta launch today as the team at Obsidian Entertainment kicks off the fourth and final closed beta phase today, June 23rd.

By Michael Byrne -
Armored Warfare to Add Tier 8 Tanks in Next Early Access Test

As and Obsidian Entertainment finish up Early Access Test 2, it's time to look forward to what players can expect when they enter Early Access Test 3 for the upcoming free to play Armored Warfare. The largest additio...

By Michael Byrne -
Skyforge's Last Closed Beta Runs June 23-29

Allods Team, Obsidian Entertainment, and, have announced the final closed beta test for Skyforge, running from June 23-29, which will introduce the knight and alchemist classes as well as a slew of new features. The ...

By Jason Winter -
Armored Warfare's 2nd Early Access Test Begins In Two Days

If you bought your way into Early Access (or were lucky enough to get a key from our recent giveaway) for Armored Warfare, get your client ready to go as the next testing period begins on June 10th and will run until June 24th.

By Michael Byrne -
Gravity? No Thanks: Skyforge Debuts Kinetic Class

Skyforge presses ever onward towards release and today has decided to share details about yet another class available to players in the free to play MMORPG.

By Michael Byrne -