Hi-Rez Studios (Page 7)

SMITE Season 5 Includes Sexy Visual Makeover Of The Conquest Map

Today is the first day of the Hi-Rez Expo, where fans of SMITE, Paladins, and Hi-Rez's other offerings gather in Atlanta, GA to watch players battle for money and acclaim while getting to hear Hi-Rez's plans for the coming year....

By QuintLyn Bowers -
The Top 5 F2P Games On Steam in November

Steam is love, Steam is life – and some games are more lively than others. Valve's platform has it all, good and bad.

By Jason Winter -
The Overly-Excited Ska'drin Talus Arrives in Paladins Today

Every group of super serious fighters needs that one guy that's super optimistic and so damned cheery that all the gruff veterans of the group calls them "kid" and rolls their eyes at them throughout most of the conversation.

By QuintLyn Bowers -