Hi-Rez Studios (Page 9)

Meet The New HRX Tournament Champoins

Despite some potentially bad weather -- that apparently turned out to be not all that bad -- the Hi-Rez Expo went on as planned.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Paladins' Next Open Beta Update Introduces New Champion

The next Open Beta update for Hi-Rez' free-to-play shooter Paladins is on its way and it's bringing with it a new archer champion -- Sha Lin - the Desert Wind. The champion is described by the devs as having more of a "true...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Tribes Ascend Updated For The Last Time

Less than a year after Hi-Rez announced the return of Tribes Ascend with the "Out of the Blue" patch, the game's final patch has been released.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Paladins Invitational Opens To More Regions

The first ever Paladins Invitational is going to be bigger than we thought according to an announcement made by Hi-Rez Studios earlier today.

By QuintLyn Bowers -