Whether you're ready for it or not, it seems a Battle Pass is on the way for Realm Royale.
Whether you're ready for it or not, it seems a Battle Pass is on the way for Realm Royale.
Recently, Hi-Rez dropped another update for the Realm Royale alpha.
SMITE update 5.10 is live, and it's brought with it Medusa's Deathmatch -- a 3v3v3 adventure that takes place on a newly created Egyptian map.
When SMITE's 5.11 update hits, it will introduce the first of the Voodoo gods to the game -- Baron Samedi, the God of Life and Death.
Hi-Rez's entry into the battle royale genre has only been out a little under a week, so of course the game made an appearance at this year's PC Gaming Show.
Hi-Rez Studios jumps into the battle royale pool with its Paladins inspired Realm Royale.
In "news that could probably have been announced during E3 but why not now?...
If you're waiting for the next big update for Hi-Rez Studios' Smite-inspired card/board game Hand of the Gods, wait no longer -- not because it's arrived but because it's not coming. That's what Hi-Rez President Stewart Chi...
Hi-Rez's foray into the Battle Royale arena has entered Early Access on Steam.
**UPDATE: May 22, 2018** Well, that didn't take long... Hi-Rez Studios has reportedly severed ties with the overseas contractor responsible for using Overwatch's map loading screen in some of Paladins Strike's promotional skin...
SMITE's latest update has dropped on both PC and Consoles, bringing with it a new pantheon, its first god, and the destruction of everything. Today's update introduces the Slavic Pantheon -- the first of three new pantheons to ...
The SMITE and Paladins developers just seems to keep growing.
Since SMITE entered Closed Beta in 2012, the dev team has grown from 18 to more than 100 developers, all working to push out approximately 24 updates a year.
Although it may seem like Paladins launched ages ago -- thanks to Hi-Rez's super-long open betas -- it hasn't.
SMITE fans with a flair for art, break out your medium of choice and get designing.
SMITE's 5.6 update, titled Inner Demon, launched on PC yesterday, adding an all pvp adventure -- and of course some sweet new god skins.
Paladins OB69 Update will be available for players tomorrow, bringing with it a heavy-hitting new champion.
When it comes to April Fool's, the internet -- and gaming companies in general -- are usually up for a bit of silliness.
Yesterday, Hi-Rez Studios held its obligatory livestream highlighting some of the the features in the upcoming SMITE 5.5 Update.
Hi-Rez is adding another location to its company roster -- this time in Seattle, Washington.
The saga of the Open Beta update that nearly killed Paladins and the bad art that saved it has come to a satisfying end with the announcement of the "Crappy" Community Art contest. For those of you who may have missed the story...
It's official, guys.
It's no secret that Paladins players aren't happy with it.
It's adventure time in SMITE again and things are getting a little animated.
SMITE Season 5 has begun and that means the complete overhaul of Conquest is finally here.
With the kick-off of SMITE Season 5, Hi-Rez has decided to make some changes to the Challenger Circuit.
Hi-Rez Games announced the new Battlegrounds mode for its free-to-play shooter Paladins during the annual Hi-Rez Expo earlier this month.
Over the weekend, Thomas Holt, the Art Director for Hi-Rez Studios' free-to-play team shooter Paladins announced that he is no longer part of the Hi-Rez team.
In discussing Paladins Battlegrounds in the latest F2P Cast, we opined that Hi-Rez Studios is the type of company that tends to take what's been done before and put their own twist on it, whether that be a MOBA, hero shooter, ...
Hi-Rez Studios had a lot of cool Paladins-related things to announce during the HRX keynote today in Atlanta.