Update 2.4, Stormwing’s Revenge, Is Coming To Aion Classic EU "Soon"
Explore the Liberated Beshmundir Temple and defeat your foes in the new PvP instance.
Stormwing’s Revenge is on its way to the EU version of Aion Classic. An official date hasn’t been given, but players can expect it to be added to the MMORPG “soon”. When it arrives, Update 2.4 will bring a level cap increase to 55, as well as new PvE instances, a new PvP instance, and new, upgradeable weapons.
The PvE instances include the Liberated Beshmundir Temple and the Abyssal Splinter. The Temple houses Stormwing in a different dimension. This is where players will obtain the new, upgradeable Liberated Stormwing weapons. The Abyssal Splinter is a twelve-man instance that takes place in the top-level chamber of the Divine Fortress. Players must occupy the fortress in order to enter.
As for the PvP, the Arena of Glory is where the strongest, most experienced fighters go to fight. They’ll need to have done well in the Arena of Discipline/Cooperation in order to enter and fight for rewards that include Abyss Points and Symbols of Glory.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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