“Serpentium” is the game’s 20th region, a place filled with powerful enemies.
“Serpentium” is the game’s 20th region, a place filled with powerful enemies.
You'll be receiving gifts each day via in-game mail.
I guess if you're playing Live you just have to continue waiting on that possible Aion 2.
The update includes new content, improvements, and – of course – holiday festivities.
Some are easier to take part in than others. In fact, one just involves checking your mail each day.
The update is live.
The Path of the Brawler update comes with new areas to explore, including a starting instance for the new class.
Looking for something to play that captures the scale of World of Warcraft without the monthly fee?
The Balathor’s Revenge content update overhauls game mechanics and introduces a new raid.
And contests, rewards, and all that jazz.
Because sometimes you just want to get away from Windows.
In fact, taking control of a fortress could make PvE dungeons free for your faction.
Visit a special event server with supercharged character progression.
Explore the inverted space-time region of Apheta Beluslan.
A level cap increase, new dungeon, and the Apheta Beluslan battlefield are just some of the things players have to look forward to.
This new magic user is after all the gold that can be found.
Secrets of the Undercity introduces new specialists for each class and a new raid.
Who's your favorite, Hongbi or Cheongbi?
Newcomers will get a special reward package for a decent head start.
Get ready for the Shadows over the Altar addition to the Timeless Dungeons.
Yes, of course you’re getting extra boosts and item drops, too.
A new class, the Revenant, joins the fantasy MMORPG.
Now’s a good time to get caught up on your stats.
AION Classic, NosTale, Runes of Magic, and Elsword all seeing some love.
There's also an increased drop rate of specific Hearts and mysterious "Letters from Secret Admirers."
Your journey begins in NosVille Meadows, where you will make frog-like friends.
Update 2.5 will add new gear and conent later this year.
The update will be available before the end of the year.
Explore the Liberated Beshmundir Temple and defeat your foes in the new PvP instance.
The update brings new content alongside optimizations.