The update is the biggest in months.
The update is the biggest in months.
New Sacred Rank rewards, gear, wings, and more are up for grabs.
The update is live.
The Path of the Brawler update comes with new areas to explore, including a starting instance for the new class.
Not everything has to be a grind.
Explore the inverted space-time region of Apheta Beluslan.
A level cap increase, new dungeon, and the Apheta Beluslan battlefield are just some of the things players have to look forward to.
NCSoft shares a preview of The Fist of Eternity 3.0 Update.
Newcomers will get a special reward package for a decent head start.
A new class, the Revenant, joins the fantasy MMORPG.
AION Classic, NosTale, Runes of Magic, and Elsword all seeing some love.
Update 2.5 will add new gear and conent later this year.
Explore the Liberated Beshmundir Temple and defeat your foes in the new PvP instance.
The update brings new content alongside optimizations.
The update comes with an increased level cap and new zones.
Prepare for “Aion Classic EU 2.0” coming this summer.
Took it long enough.
Players will be waiting a few more days for Aion Classic.
It will be available via Gameforge soon.
It’s coming in early 2023.
In celebration of the update, players can also get a free Stormwing pet.
Prepare meal kits to earn rewards or head to the dungeons and beat up bosses for bonuses.
It’s time for Siel and Israphel to get cozy.
The team at Aion seems to have a fixation on cats lately, with both an event and a promotion focused on the furry critters.
It hasn't taken long for some drama to pop up around Aion Classic.
It's been a short trip from "this is a thing that's going to happen" to "this thing is happening right now", but here we are.