SOE continues to roll out patch after patch for their sci-fi MMOFPS Planetside 2 which consistently have added new weapons, armor, balance tweaks and facility reworks.
SOE continues to roll out patch after patch for their sci-fi MMOFPS Planetside 2 which consistently have added new weapons, armor, balance tweaks and facility reworks.
MMOs don't follow the birthday celebration code like everyone else..
On this episode of Bomblive, Spunkify is thrown into a land of Drawves, Orcs, and Wizardry with the recently released action MMO Panzar.
Warner Bros.
Cryptic Studios Neverwinter MMO was released into open beta today which means no more wipes, way more content and a chance once again to stab people in their shins as a halfling.
If you didn't get a chance to try out the Superhero filled action RPG Marvel Heroes during the previous closed beta weekend (which we gave out keys for), you are in luck.
Starting on May 10th, Mechanist Games will open up an exclusive early access beta for their steampunk inspired MMORPG City of Steam.
The term "Black Gold" originally referred to the usefulness and value of oil.
Today, Warner Bros.
Prime World is a MOBA developed by Nival.
HeroesGo from ESTsoft Inc.
Panzar is an action arena MMO developed by Panzar Studios.
The most iconic memory I have from the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy is the battle for Helm's Deep.
When I first heard of the fantasy MMO Panzar I honestly had no idea what to expect.