It will always be a slow news day when the editor's PC decides to have a meltdown.
It will always be a slow news day when the editor's PC decides to have a meltdown.
Dragon's Prophet is an Action MMORPG developed by Runewaker, the same company behind Runes of Magic.
Free-to-play shooters are nothing new.
On this week's episode we discuss the announcement of Trion World's soon to be Free MMO Rift, the recent misfortunes of Minimum developers Timegate (why didn't they pay their pizza bill!...
EA joined the bandwagon last week with the announcement of their upcoming MOBA Dawngate and one could instantly feel the collective groan of a thousand gamers.
Queue up the Pokemon theme, because in just a little over a week players will be able to fight, capture and train over 300 unique dragons during the Dragon's Prophet open beta.
Not content with their recent $3.986,929 Kickstarter success Project Eternity, Obsidian Entertainment has been announced as the co-developers of an upcoming free-to-play MMO Skyforge. What's more, the developers will be working in conjunction with Allods Online developer Allods Team.
Anyone who's played Neverwinter can tell you just how confusing the MMO's currency system really is.
Valve's long running F2P shooter Team Fortress 2 received yet another update today.
On this episode of Foreign Fridays, Spunkify tries to survive the alien zombie infested world of the third person shooter Hounds Online!...
EA has had a less than stellar track record when it comes to Free-to-Play games and their recent business decisions in general.
Steam has added the shooter Loadout to its list of early access games.
Publisher Ubisoft and Developer Blue Byte have announced that their city building game Anno Online is now in Open Beta.
Worlds collide as Infinite Crisis begins its closed beta, Timegate Studios is forced to layoff staff, Star Wars the Old Republic sees F2P financial success, City of Steam beta brings a host of improvements, and much more!...