Wow, I can honestly say I wasn't expecting this.
Wow, I can honestly say I wasn't expecting this.
War Thunder is headed to the Playstation 4 it seems.
Avatar Star is a third person shooter published by Cherry Credits.
On this week's episode we introduce two new hosts to the F2P cast and delve into the many recent updates regarding several well known MMORPGS.
The Steampunk inspired MMORPG City of Steam is set to begin yet another round of beta testing in a few hours (7:00 PST), which will hopefully lead to the game's full open beta later this month.
Timegate, the developers behind the upcoming blockman shooter Minimum hit some rocky waters last week when it was announced the company had filed for Bankruptcy.
Star Wars: The Old Republic, Bioware's iconic sci-fi MMORPG has seen steady growth since going Free-to-Play late last year.
Those of you who may not be familiar with the MMORPG Arcane Saga may in fact know it by another name.
It's my pleasure to announce a new addition to the writing team here at MMOBomb, Jason Winter.
Turbine's multiverse MOBA Infinite Crisis closed beta officially starts today and with it comes yet another champion profile, the Clown Prince of Crime, Joker.
While World of Warplanes continues to trudge along in a seemingly perpetual state of closed beta, Wargaming.net has already begun showcasing screenshots of their next game, World of Warships. The latest images showcase severa...
With Lord of the Rings Online headed to Helm's Deep later this year, anticipation for new content for the popular MMORPG is soaring.
Marvel Heroes is an action RPG developed by Gazillion Entertainment.
HeroesGo is a dungeon crawler styled MMORPG by Joymaster.