Is it just me or does the EU always seem to get shafted in some way or another when it comes to Free-to-Play releases?...
Is it just me or does the EU always seem to get shafted in some way or another when it comes to Free-to-Play releases?...
Marvel Heroes' latest patch is serving up some new experiences for those who've already saved the world from Doctor Doom.
False alarm everyone, ok well maybe its still a mild alarm.
RuneScape continues to remain relevant as Jagex has just released the third iteration of the popular MMO. If you haven't heard already, RuneScape 3 marks a significant revitalization of the MMO with a new story arc, interfa...
Wargaming is quickly ballooning into a mighty Russian umbrella corporation.
Infinite Crisis is a DC Multiverse inspired moba from Turbine Entertainment.
In this weeks controversy filled Free-to-Play Podcast, Hi-Rez may have violated their own EULA by monitoring users without their permission.
Developers lately have been adding Twitch.tv support to their games about as often as someone shouts out "Esports!...
I spent a good fifteen minutes trying to think of an article title that would let me put two game names in it.
You have to hand it to Cryptic Studios.
Oh Kartuga, we hardly knew ye.
If there was one super power I have fantasized about since I was a wee young gamer, it would have to be the power to control time.
I think I liked End of Nations more when it had been indefinitely postponed.
Yep you heard right.