Oh Snail Games how considerate of you, releasing a PvP focused MMO and then announcing a PvE expansion.
Oh Snail Games how considerate of you, releasing a PvP focused MMO and then announcing a PvE expansion.
On this episode of Bomblive, Spunkify ventures back to the middle ages to try his hand at defend his honor against internet foes in War of the Roses, listed as F2P under Steam.
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast, Hi-Rez is back in the news, and it's still not good.
Everquest: Next wasn't the only voxel-based MMO Sony had to show at this year's SOE Live.
A Dead Island MOBA?...
In less than 24 hours Hi-Rez studios will be shutting down the forums for all their titles.
At last week's QuakeCon, we had the chance to sit and chat for a few minutes with Hi-Rez Studios' E-sports Manager Bart Koenigsberg, who gave me the lowdown on all of the company's games – the good, the bad, and the as-yet-u...
Yet another modern military shooter has fallen by the wayside.
Details surrounding the classes in Everquest Next are slowly emerging.
I've just returned from a rather extensive first look at SOE's sandbox MMO Everquest Next.
EverQuest Next isn't the only game Sony Online Entertainment is promoting this weekend, as the company also announced that the official release of Dragon's Prophet in North America and Europe will be on Sept.
While the official reveal of SOE's upcoming sandbox MMO Everquest Next isn't slated until noon tomorrow, John Smedley, President of SOE just had to tease fans with a little taste of what's to come. During the SOE Live welco...
You won't need an infinite wallet to play Infinite Crisis, WB/Turbine's upcoming DC Heroes MOBA...
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast, we discuss some new updates regarding End of Nation's MOBA revamp (looks like you can all drop the pitchforks!...