On this episode of Bomblive, Spunkify checks out what imporvements SOE has made to their flagship MMOFPS Planetside 2.
On this episode of Bomblive, Spunkify checks out what imporvements SOE has made to their flagship MMOFPS Planetside 2.
I don't think this can be stressed enough, Black Desert is absolutely beautiful, but I am a bit disappointed in the latest trailer.
The upcoming SOE Live convention (think Blizzcon but Sony) is set to go live starting tomorrow, August 1st.
Former Blizzard, SOE and Relic devs form a new free-to-play studio, Alma returns in Aeria Game's F.E.A.R.
The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot is not a bad game.
We're risk takers here at MMOBomb.
If there is one thing Free-to-Play gamers enjoy doing, it's playing dress up with their favorite MMO characters.
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast, Innogames sees fit to shutdown Kartuga.
Everytime I hear of developers from former mega studios banding together to form a new development studio of their own I get pretty excited.
On this episode of Bomblive, Spunkify heads back to the skies in Wargamings recently released World of Warplanes.
A couple of months ago, I looked at how various MMOs stacked up against each other, in terms of how much traffic their websites got – a reasonable enough way to determine general activity and populariy.
Fair warning guys, this story hits right in the feels.
My thirst for an MMO where I can command a truly badass mech suit may finally be quenched now that NCSoft has revealed the latest upcoming class for Aion.