After recently wrapping up its closed beta, OGPlanet has revealed their upcoming MMO Heva Clonia Online will be returning in open beta form on October 17th through October 30th.
After recently wrapping up its closed beta, OGPlanet has revealed their upcoming MMO Heva Clonia Online will be returning in open beta form on October 17th through October 30th.
One glance at Tactical Intervention's epilepsy inducing trailer may remind viewers of Counter-Strike, and there's a fairly obvious reason why.
If you couldn't get enough of Bioware's Star Wars: The Old Republic, you will be thrilled at the announcement of their new expansion, Galactic Starfighter.
When developer Trendy announced the sequel to the popular tower-defense game Dungeon Defender players were elated.
Cubizone recently announced a new partnership with Korea-based publisher Mgame to publish an English version of Yulgang 2 in SEA regions.
After Paragon Studios shuttered its doors to City of Heroes (Arguably, one of the best superhero themed MMORPG), many thought that would be the last we'd see of the game.
Who knew an inhospitable European wasteland could look so gorgeously tranquil?...
Path of Exile's been simmering for a while, but now it's just about ready to come to a full boil. Grinding Gear Games' free-to-play action RPG will officially release on Oct.
It's no surprise to see a subscription game go free-to-play.
America's Army: Proving Grounds is a squad-based tactical FPS that attempts to mimic true realistic military combat.
On the eve of the League of Legends World Championship, Riot Games has just released a new trailer which pays tribute to some of this seasons most impactful esport heroes.
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast the gang talks about whether Nosgoth will live up to its Legacy of Kain heritage.
While SOE seemed to have drug its feet in the past when it came to addressing major performance issues, the company now seems to have hurled itself into a full on sprint.
It's not quite the legend that its predecessor was, and it's not the heavily anticipated Next Big Thing, but for a “middle child,” EverQuest II is getting a lot of attention from it's “parents” these days. Last week, ...