Red 5 Studios CEO Mark Kern took to the Firefall forums early Thursday morning to deliver the sad news that they were temporarily cutting out the PvP aspects of the game so the company could “completely rethink our PvP and r...
Red 5 Studios CEO Mark Kern took to the Firefall forums early Thursday morning to deliver the sad news that they were temporarily cutting out the PvP aspects of the game so the company could “completely rethink our PvP and r...
I know a few people who play Trials (and one who makes really awesome videos of it), so when I saw there was a F2P version of Trials, I cheered!...
Helmets will be shattered!...
Damion Schubert, Lead Designer on Star Wars: The Old Republic has a blog. I didn't know that until yesterday, when someone on my Twitter feed pointed me toward a recent entry where Schubert analyzes last week's news regarding t...
WildStar isn't going to be free-to-play when it launches. Of course, that won't stop people from speculating about when it will, because all subscription-based games that have come out over the last several years have eit...
Snail Games Content Producer Peter Kang didn't waste any time in telling me what was a major focus of Age of Wushu's first expansion: “It's mainly about convenience to our players.
The EverQuest Next dev team's got a tricky tightrope to walk.
On Wednesday, MMOBomb was part of a roundtable discussion/Q&A with Gazillion Entertainment superheroes David Brevik and Jeff Donais, who guided us mere media mortals through the most recent update for Marvel Heroes, as well as a...
There's been a small buzz surrounding the announcement of Molten Games' creation, as it involves former executives from three of gaming's biggest behemoths.
By now, you may have already heard of the...
Sony Online Entertainment's philosophy with the new content update for Dragon's Prophet, Wintertide, seems pretty simple: more, bigger, and...
So End of Nations is going to be a MOBA.
We talked about this a little bit in the last F2P Cast, but everyone wants to be an e-sport now.
There's a lot of information – and misinformation – out there about the gaming market.