A new report from market research firm SuperData examines the physical and digital card game market, giving estimates as to the size of both in the U.S.
A new report from market research firm SuperData examines the physical and digital card game market, giving estimates as to the size of both in the U.S.
I know, the title above sounds like a contradiction to this article from last month.
As surprising as it was that Trion Worlds seemed to pull a game out of its nether regions last week, I was even more surprised to learn that there was no NDA regarding it.
A topic that's come up recently around the MMOBomb office water cooler – if we had an office or a water cooler – regards subscriptions in free-to-play games.
Everything's better with dragons. That seems to be the philosophy in gaming these days, and Simutronic's Dragons of Elanthia is looking to bring that mindset to their own brand of action-based PvP.
Mojang is considering taking its Scrolls online collectible card game into the free-to-play realm, as co-founder Jakob Porser revealed last week.
Electronic Arts Labels President Frank Gibeau recently offered a tantalizing glimpse into his company's plans for their future revenue models.
A lot of free-to-play MMOs are what I like to call “fire and forget” games.
There will be blood.
If you ever played Paradox Interactive's Magicka, you killed your wizard teammates.
If you're like me, you think of many free-to-play games as free trials.
Relying on a proven name to sell merchandise is hardly a concept that's unique to the gaming industry.
Let's start by saying I don't disagree with anything Jeremy Gaffney said.
Every free-to-play game has them.