It's ship-shaping up to be a big week for World of Warships.
It's ship-shaping up to be a big week for World of Warships.
Former World of Tanks and World of Warships global development executive Matias Myllyrinne has started his own game company in Helsinki, Finland, and already has some free-to-play PC games in the works.
How about some World of Tanks news for your Friday?...
"MMO" and "Bomb" are in our website's title, but it's rare that we get to talk about actual bombs in an MMO.
UPDATE: VentureBeat is reporting that a spokesperson from Wargaming has said that the company "wasn’t talking about its business model yet, but they did confirm that it would be a paid game." So that means we won't be coveri...
Usually, acquiring new vehicles in World of Tanks: Mercenaries requires a significant outlay of time or money -- or both.
It looks like we jumped the gun a little bit two weeks ago.
Warframe's been offering free goodies for Twitch Prime members for years, and now it's World of Tanks' turn to get in on the action.
We're less than a week out from Halloween, but that still gives Wargaming enough time to inject some spookiness into World of Tanks: Mercenaries, the console version of World of Tanks.
After three years in beta (preceded by a very expensive alpha) and just two months as a "launched" game, Dirty Bomb's fuse has run out.
The British are coming -- British destroyers in World of Warships, that is.
World of Tanks Blitz isn't going the traditional route for Halloween.
Wargaming loves its crossovers, and soon it will add an NHL star to its roster of legendary rock musicians, anime girls, and washed-up action stars.
Submarines are diving into World of Warships!...
World of Tanks' console cousin, World of Tanks: Mercenaries has a lot going on in September.
World of Warships is setting sail on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 next year, with the launch of World of Warships: Legends.
As you'll no doubt recall, Iron Maiden front man and aviation nut Bruce Dickinson has been doing a series of military history videos for World of Warplanes.
Wargaming wants as many people as possible to log into World of Warships this weekend, setting a goal of 20,000 simultaneous logins.
World of Tanks on consoles is now World of Tanks: Mercenaries, billed as the "most significant evolution to date in the World of Tanks franchise" Xbox One and PlayStation 4. As we previously learned, the Mercenaries update ...
Wargaming is bringing its brand of naval combat to consoles, with the announcement of World of Warships: Legends.
Whether it's Swedish power metal bands or brawny, washed-up actors, Wargaming isn't shy about pop-culture crossovers.
The newest update for World of Tanks, which carries the simple title of "Update 1.0.2," makes up for a couple of vacancies in the top of the Soviet tank line by adding a pair of Tier X vehicles to the mix.
If you've been following MMOBomb for a while, you probably know that I tend to cover nearly all the news related to war-themed free-to-play games, from Total War: Arena to Heroes & Generals to War Thunder to everything Wargami...
Later this month, Wargaming will take World of Tanks in a different direction on consoles.
World of Tanks' big new 30v30 battle mode, Frontline and its related Road to Victory event are now live.
How is Wargaming following up on its big Update 1.0 for World of Tanks?...
Creative Assembly's got a beefy new patch coming to Total War: Arena tomorrow.
Tomorrow, April 12, is the International Day of Human Space Flight, which commemorates the first space flight by a human, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, on April 12, 1961.
The third chapter of World of Tanks' PvE War Stories campaign is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One, continuing the alternate-history story that Wargaming started last year.
When we last checked in on World of Warships' April Fools' shenanigans, Wargaming had us tooling around a bath tub.