Shadows in video games may seem like simple things, but they're actually pretty complex to render in a realistic fashion.
Shadows in video games may seem like simple things, but they're actually pretty complex to render in a realistic fashion.
Lots of game companies have conventions that draw thousands of fans of their game ...
World of Warships is celebrating its fourth anniversary today with Update 0.8.8, which adds two new battleships and a bunch of gifts for players.
The seas are about to get a lot more dangerous.
In most PvP games, there's no worse feeling than killing your teammates ...
Today, the company responsible for everyone's favorite large military vehicle battle games, Wargaming, announced a new third-person shooter titled Caliber.
When you're driving a 30-ton tank, every day's a party, but Wargaming thinks you need a more formalized reason to celebrate.
Console-based World of Warships: Legends has a big update today, adding German ships, a new campaign, and various improvements to the overall user experience. Germany represents the sixth nation to join Legends' roster, fol...
World of Tanks players are no strangers to fires and explosions -- at least inside the game.
Battle Royale comes for us all, and today it's come for World of Warships.
A new line of Soviet battleships is the headline feature of World of Warships' 0.8.4 update.
World of Tanks: Mercenaries has a lot going on this week for fans on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Want to donate to a good cause and also pick up some loot in World of Tanks?...
It's time to set sail on the high C's -- if "C" stands for "Console" -- as World of Warships: Legends is now available on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in its early access launch.
If there's one thing gamers will never be happy with, it's the matchmaking system in their PvP game of choice.
A game is going into early access, and you know what that means: Founder's Packs!...
It's nearly time to head back into space in World of Spaceships, er, Warships, as the outer space April Fool's mode returns next week.
Today, Wargaming -- the developers of World of War(stuff) games -- announced a partnership with Ukrainian developers Frag Lab.
If you've been itching to get into some warshipping action on consoles, your time has almost come.
Wargaming wants to sell you a tank.
Aircraft carriers in World of Warships got the once-over in an update late last month, and now the Japanese and American carriers have some company on the high seas.
What happens when former employees from two of the biggest free-to-play companies strike out on their own to make a new game company?...
Since the debut of World of Warships, aircraft carriers have been a love-'em-or-hate-'em class of ships in the game: You love when the one on your team does great, and hate when it does poorly (and vice versa for the other tea...
If tanks aren't cool enough for you, how about mechs?...
Wargaming has just enough time to squeeze in one more update before the end of 2018 for World of Warships, and Update 0.7.12 brings home all the presents.
2018 was a big year for World of Tanks.
You'll soon be able to hit the high seas on consoles as World of Warships: Legends heads into its closed beta Dec.
Wargaming is halting one game while adding another.
Commanding one tank not enough for you?...
Total War: Arena will soon fight its final battles.