Trion's turn-based action game, Atlas Reactor will be making the leap to fully fledged game in just a few short weeks -- October 4.
Trion's turn-based action game, Atlas Reactor will be making the leap to fully fledged game in just a few short weeks -- October 4.
Trove's recently announced dino-filled content has arrived, bringing with it the Jurassic Jungle biome and the new Dino Tamer Class.
PAX West is kicking off tomorrow and Trion Worlds will be there in full force highlighting new content for four of its games: RIFT, ArcheAge, Trove, and Atlas Reactor.
ArcheAge Version 2.9, Build 9.2 is here.
Trion Worlds' is taking its voxel-based MMO to China.
Recently, the ArcheAge team answered a variety of questions on their Twitch channel.
After accidentally leaking their new RIFT expansion by putting it up for sale before announcing it -- and then quickly removing it from the store -- Trion has officially "revealed" Starfall Prophecy.
If you thought $20 was a bit much for Trion Worlds' upcoming game Atlas Reactor, then you might want to take a peek at this.
Recently, rumors began swirling about a possible RIFT update titled "Starfall Prophecy." This speculation by various sites came on the heels of the discovery that Trion had filed for a trademdark featuring that title.
Are you creative?...
Trion Worlds' voxel builder Trove is making the leap from PCs to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later this year!...
Devilian players may have been excited to get their hands on the latest patch, 1.4 Alvir's Legacy, last week but had to wait due to a few delays.
A lot is going on with the western version of Bluehole Ginno's free-to-play MMO Devilian, as highlighted by the most recent Producer's Letter.
Here in the real world, Summer's been hanging out for about a week now, but in game...
The Goddess of Hatred is returning to ArcheAge.
A new, massive PvP event has landed in Devilian, taking place every Thursday and Sunday.
If being a part of a faction in MMOs sounds stale to you, why not make your own?...
Trion Worlds shocked a lot of people when they announced that their previously free-to-play title Atlas Reactor would transition into a buy-to-play title.
Big changes are coming to the economy in Trion Worlds' Defiance.
Trion Worlds CEO Scott Hartsman recently opened up to VentureBeat in a lengthy interview on the occasion of Rift's five-year anniversary -- which actually occurred in March but, eh, close enough.
A new intrepid adventure titled Mind of Madness launched in RIFT today.
RIFT is offering new players a bit of help when it comes to leveling up.
Atlas Reactor is joining the ranks of free-to-play games going buy-to-play according to today's Producer's Letter.
If you haven't logged into ArcheAge in a while and any of your characters are under level 40 you might want to get on that -- if you don't want someone else to run off with your name, that is.
A new map hit Atlas Reactor today.
If you purchased a Founder's Pack for Trion Worlds' free-to-play game Atlas Reactor then listen up!...
There is, or there should be, a motto in MMO design: “When all else fails, add more stuff.” That seems to be the strategy behind Mantle of Power, which is being billed as the first full expansion for Trion Worlds' Trove.
Mix a brawler game with a lot of strategy and some insane personalities and you get Atlas Reactor, the latest free-to-play offering from Trion Worlds to move into Closed Beta.
Call it a battler, team based arena game, a strategy game...whatever you want to call it but the one thing that is exact is that Trion Worlds' free-to-play game Atlas Reactor is now officially in closed beta.
ArcheAge's April update is bringing changes to the auction house, in the form of a merge.