Trion Worlds (Page 8)

Summer Comes To Trion's Games

Here in the real world, Summer's been hanging out for about a week now, but in game...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Trion's Hartsman Talks Rift, Plus Some F2P And MMO Truths

Trion Worlds CEO Scott Hartsman recently opened up to VentureBeat in a lengthy interview on the occasion of Rift's five-year anniversary -- which actually occurred in March but, eh, close enough.

By Jason Winter -
ArcheAge Announces Inactive Name Resets

If you haven't logged into ArcheAge in a while and any of your characters are under level 40 you might want to get on that -- if you don't want someone else to run off with your name, that is.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Maximum Power! Our Preview Of Trove's Mantle Of Power Expansion

There is, or there should be, a motto in MMO design: “When all else fails, add more stuff.” That seems to be the strategy behind Mantle of Power, which is being billed as the first full expansion for Trion Worlds' Trove.

By Jason Winter -
Atlas Reactor - Gameplay First Look

Mix a brawler game with a lot of strategy and some insane personalities and you get Atlas Reactor, the latest free-to-play offering from Trion Worlds to move into Closed Beta.

By Michael Byrne -
Atlas Reactor Kicks Off Closed Beta

Call it a battler, team based arena game, a strategy game...whatever you want to call it but the one thing that is exact is that Trion Worlds' free-to-play game Atlas Reactor is now officially in closed beta.

By Michael Byrne -