Trion Worlds (Page 7)

Trion Worlds Hosting Special Sale In Honor Of Black Friday

Black Friday is almost upon us, and soon the braver (or crazier) among us, will be beating the tar out of each other in department stores in order to get the best deal on that sweater their kids never asked for.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
ArcheAge's Revelation Expansion Hits Servers December 10th

On December 10th, Trion Worlds and XLGames will unleash the 3.0 expansion, Revelation, on the ArcheAge servers and, you guessed it, just like every company says, Revelation will be the biggest update ArcheAge has ever had to d...

By Michael Byrne -
**UPDATED** Devilian Update Adds More Levels, Dungeons, And More

UPDATE As of now, the update is officially launched on the live servers, introducing the increased level cap and the Halloween event -- which kicks off today. Trion has also introduced four new Devilian packs ranging in price ...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Atlas Reactor Goes Gold

Trion Worlds' free-to-play arena-brawler Atlas Reactor is officially open for business.

By QuintLyn Bowers -