Star Trek might have made the phrase "five-year mission" famous, but today it's Star Wars: The Old Republic that celebrates its half-decade birthday.
Star Trek might have made the phrase "five-year mission" famous, but today it's Star Wars: The Old Republic that celebrates its half-decade birthday.
Since the dawn of time, RPGs have used something akin to real-life “rules” when it comes to loot acquisition: if you kill something or someone, you can take stuff from their corpses.
When the Galactic Command system went live for Star Wars: The Old Republic last week, it became possible to earn gear through every activity in the game -- including joining a huge group and wandering from gold mob to gold mob.
The next chapter(s) in the Star Wars: The Old Republic saga has now officially kicked off for everyone, with Knights of the Eternal Throne going live across all regions following a three-day early access period.
It's late in the year, and that means a new expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
A new expansion for an MMORPG often brings with it plenty of changes to how individual classes play.
The Light side vs.
Star Wars: The Old Republic is making significant changes to the way it handles loot at endgame.
Did you catch the Knights of the Eternal Throne announcement live at New York Comic-Con?...
The newest story-based expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic is almost upon us, with Knights of the Eternal Throne going live in the game on Dec.
BioWare's latest maintenance period came with a little surprise for Credit sellers.
A dangerous #StarWars family grows stronger.
If you jumped on board for Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline from day one -- subscribing continuously from Jan.
Online gaming is a big deal.
It's been a long journey for the Outlander and his allies in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and it all comes to a head today in Chapter 16: The Battle of Odessen.
The Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline for Star Wars: The Old Republic reaches its momentous climax next month when BioWare releases chapter 16 of the epic story, The Battle of Odessen. This final installment sees a las...
For a long time, I've railed against traditional quest-and-level MMOs – “WoW clones,” if you will.
Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016, an extravaganza of all things Star Wars, is going strong on its second day in London.
The penultimate chapter of Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline, "The Gemini Deception," goes live today across all servers.
Star Wars: The Old Republic players will get their second infusion of story content in a month when Chapter 15 of the Knights of the Fallen Empire goes live on June 30 -- and two days early for current subscribers. In The G...
Star Wars: The Old Republic is full of lore, but now it's full of Manda-lore!...
The Knights of the Fallen Empire story keeps rolling along in Star Wars: The Old Republic with a new chapter next month.
It's a new month, and that means a new chapter in Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline.
It's faded in recent years, but the notion that a lot of gamers still have when a subscription game goes free-to-play is that it's failing.
Recently, Bioware made some adjustments to players' companions in the free-to-play games Star Wars: The Old Republic.
After three years away, writer Ian Ryan is returning to the BioWare fold as the lead writer for the company's free-to-play MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Come and back seat game as I am really just learning how to play a tank again in Star Wars: The Old Republic.
The long wait is finally over.
If you like reading -- and what MMO fan doesn't?...
If you were hoping to jump into Star Wars: The Old Republic's 3.3 update today, which was supposed to include the new Togruta playable race, then sorry to disappoint you but that update has been delayed. Some of you may hav...