In honor of Solo: A Star Wars Story's release on May 25, Star Wars: the Old Republic decided to bring back the Nar Shadda Nightlife event.
In honor of Solo: A Star Wars Story's release on May 25, Star Wars: the Old Republic decided to bring back the Nar Shadda Nightlife event.
May the 4th, one of the most celebrated dates among nerds everywhere, is just a few days away.
Evil, galaxy-conquering Sith not enough for you?...
Game Update 5.8 for Star Wars: The Old Republic will be arriving this month, and it brings with it not only some juicy storyline bits but also a major reworking of the Conquest system.
Despite the popular rumor, Star Wars: The Old Republic still doesn't appear to be shutting down this year.
Remember Alganon?...
On the one side, you have Kotaku, which claims that its sources say that BioWare "has also discussed ending development" of Star Wars: The Old Republic and that there's just a "small team maintaining" it.
The newest content update for Star Wars: The Old Republic has landed on live servers.
Thinking about Star Wars: The Old Republic this week, especially that interview from 10 years ago.
A lot of people had a lot of very high hopes for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Loot boxes are already regulated in China, and thanks to the recent loot-box-o-rama in gaming, the same thing might be happening soon in Belgium. According to PCGamer, which is getting its info from a translated Belgian new...
Damion Schubert is no stranger to microtransactions in Star Wars games and the effects they have on players' morale.
Experiencing some unexpectedly bad lag in Star Wars: The Old Republic?...
Star Wars: The Old Republic gets a bad rap -- most of it deserved -- for its free-to-play implementation.
It's the “Season of the Loot Box,” and everyone's got their two cents to put in – which would buy you about 1% of a typical box in most games. By now you've probably seen the various thinkpieces that are popping up al...
When I first read the names of the soon-to-be-merged servers for Star Wars: The Old Republic, one of them popped out to me: "The Hot Prospect." I'll admit, it sounded more like a trendy clothing store along the lines of Hot To...
Early next month, Star Wars: The Old Republic will reduce its number of servers from 17 to five.
Ah, Command XP.
Star Wars: The Old Republic was going to be the game.
At some point, nearly all MMOs evolve (or is it devolve?...
If there's one notion I wish I could forcibly implant into the minds of every person on the planet, it's this: "Not everything can be seen in terms of black and white." I'd mostly like to inject that into political discourse, ...
This week, Star Wars: The Old Republic community manager Eric Musco posted a discussion thread highlighting upcoming class changes for the game.
UPDATE: Extra Credits has informed us via Twitter that the above video was actually created on Aug.
Even after toppling – or allying with – the Eternal Emperor and his twisted family, the galaxy still faces threats.
Welcome to episode #8 of Hi-Lo: The MMOBomb Game Show!...
The Star Wars: The Old Republic team is running a little experiment.
Welcome to episode #5 of Hi-Lo: The MMOBomb Game Show!...
The good news, at least for Star Wars: The Old Republic raiders?...
BioWare tweaked and adjusted a lot of things with its Update 5.1 patch earlier this week.
Just because you've conquered the galaxy doesn't mean you can take a vacation.