Lost Ark Closed Beta 2 is coming to Korea.
Lost Ark Closed Beta 2 is coming to Korea.
SkySaga developer Radiant Worlds has some sad news to report.
Lost Ark developer Smilegate just revealed a bunch of new terrain in the upcoming free-to-play MMO, which will enter its second closed beta test soon.
The next big Korean MMO, Lost Ark, is still going through its closed beta paces, and today we've got new info on three of the game's classes that will be coming to the second closed beta test.
It's rumor time guys.
Smilegate, the developer of free-to-play tactical shooter Crossfire, has opened an office in Berlin.
Recently a Reddit user by the name of Form1ca posted some information they uncovered in Lost Ark's data that identified 18 advanced classes and their stats.
Korean developer SmileGate has yet to completely outline the payment model for their upcoming game Lost Ark despite the game being in development for a while now.
Smilegate Entertainment, developers of the popular online shooter game CrossFire, announced today that version 2.0 of the game is available for download in North America.
It's a pretty awesome trailer, I'll give it that.
It seems like voxels are all the rage lately.