The devs talk about the inspirations behind the feature and how they made it work.
The devs talk about the inspirations behind the feature and how they made it work.
Play on the Classic or Modern Map and earn lots of GP.
Hammer time!
"Since Lost Ark launched, we’ve been fighting a war against the bots infiltrating Arkesia."
Enough players finally meet the requirements.
With the new advanced class, Glaivier, it is finally time to explore South Vern.
If there are things you were confused about, this might help.
Players are about to get some freebies.
Amazon will dropping posts like these on a fairly regular basis.
Race each other and get cake at the end? That's a win/win, right?
He’s more than just a pretty forest creature.
Two new maps will be included, with additional TDM and Search & Destroy maps coming soon.
The first round of content includes a story episode and the first abyss raid.
Players impacted by Galatur server woes receive additional compensation.
They still consider it an “amazing first week”.
We’re talking about player count.
This is one of the solutions to help with long queues.
The game finally makes its way west...but is it all you hoped for it to be?
Multiplayer is free, and you can purchase single-player campaigns created by Remedy Entertainment.
Remember when we were guessing if it would ever come West?
Smilegate's military shooter offers free-to-play multiplayer with paid campaign.
The week-long celebration includes live entertainment featuring popular streamers.
Steam achievements, tier 3 gear and dungeons, and naming restrictions all detailed.
It’s a diverse land filled with people that need protecting from the demons.
Refresher course on classes, lore, ships, home base, crafting, dungeons, PvP -- all in five minutes!
Plus: Will Daybreak make noise in the new year?
Of course it means downtime, but it should be worth it.
You don’t have long to wait now.
The Summoner will return to the game at a later date.
Beta not available in Belgium and Netherlands "due to local laws and regulations."