The patch process is estimated to take about 18 hours.
The patch process is estimated to take about 18 hours.
Connect with nature and use it in two specializations.
The practice has always been "at your own risk," but now it'll start carrying penalties.
Get ready for a visit to an island.
Everyone deserves their own space.
Time to celebrate at the Festa of Arkesia.
The “Frosty Fate” update also introduces the new Karma progression system.
Plus, it’s time for the 3rd Anniversary Event.
Hang out, take photos, grab a few rewards, and enjoy a fireworks display.
Elixir and Transcendence changes are indeed included.
It's all in the timing, and the closer things get to being globally unified, the better.
The episode isn't TOTALLY without info, but if you skipped it, you wouldn't miss much.
Those character balance changes have been eagerly awaited by players.
We hop you like bees!
As long as there’s one new or returning player in a group, everyone is rewarded.
Smilegate hopes to increase the number of players entering Tier 4.
It brings with it a new 16-player Behemoth Raid.
There are the bug fixes and general updates as well.
Tier 4 will now arrive on October 9.
The update also introduces a new progression system feature.
One will be later than the other.
August may be a bit light on content, but September though November should make up for it.
Go it alone or just go have a silly race, either way, there's new things to do.
Players will soon be able to solo several raids and dungeons.
Prepare for “Summer Heat”… after about five hours of downtime.
The full class balance patch that dropped in Korea is on its way.
Amazon and Smilegate are finalizing the details.
It’s not quite a server merge.
They’ve decided more work is needed.
And we have more details on the upcoming region merges.