Today, Star Trek Online players will head to Empersa, the home world of the Founders of the Dominion.
Today, Star Trek Online players will head to Empersa, the home world of the Founders of the Dominion.
After all the teasing and doling out of lore, Cryptic has finally released Neverwinter's Ravenloft update.
As Neverwinter's 5th Anniversary draws to a close soon, you know what that means...
As part of their quest to end Strahd's rule in Barovia, Neverwinter players will find themselves tasked with hunting the creatures that terrify the region's citizens. Hunting these creatures won't be easy -- and we're talki...
When Neverwinter's Ravenloft module lands on PC June 26, adventurers are going to want to be prepared.
After five years of surviving everything the world can throw at them -- thanks to the assistance of adventurers (or...
Victory is Life, Star Trek Online's fourth expansion releases on PC today.
When it comes to sharing information on upcoming content, the Neverwinter team seems to really enjoy doling it out in tiny installments.
So, it seems that Perfect World is happy with the outcome after changing Star Trek Online's subscription system, because they're now doing the same in Champions Online.
Star Trek Online's Victory is Life expansion is due out on PC on June 5.
For fans of Neverwinter lore, the game's latest developer blog post should be a small treat.
NewZoo has put out a ranking of the top 25 publicly traded companies in the world by 2017 gaming revenue.
Thanks to a previously undisclosed clause in the document outlining the Alliance between the Romulans, Klingons, and Federation, Romulans will soon be able to pilot more than just their own ships.
The Neverwinter team announced the next module for its free-to-play MMO today.
When Star Trek Online's next expansion hits in June, it will introduce a new faction for players to earn reputation with.
Star Trek Online players who might have been on the fence about picking up a monthly subscription need not think about it any longer.
While most of us are probably used to Perfect World Entertainment adding more games to their roster, today is not that day.
When Star Trek Online releases the Victory is Life expansion, players will be able to explore the Gamma Quadrant and take part in the war against the Hur'q.
Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players can now hop into the most recent Neverwinter module, Lost City of Omu.
Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios today announced that Champions Online has surpassed an important milestone, becoming the longest-running superhero MMORPG.
Star Trek Online's next big update, Victory is Life, focuses on Deep Space Nine and the Gamma Quadrant, so it should come as no surprise that you'll run into the occasional Cardassian or two.
Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment have always made good use of its vast repository of lore for Star Trek Online.
A new episode is on the horizon for Star Trek Online players.
Lost City of Omu -- the latest Neverwinter update -- may already be available on PC, but console players are going to have to wait a bit longer.
Star Trek Online's fourth expansion, Victory is Life, pays tribute to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Remember lifetime subscriptions to MMORPGs?...
A new area is being added to Neverwinter, expanding upon the games most recent module, the Lost City of Omu.
With the release of the new Lost City of Omu module, Neverwinter players have new rewards to obtain.
When Gigantic developer Motiga closed its doors in November and turned the game over to publisher Perfect World Entertainment, the message was that it would continue "full steam ahead with the upcoming November update and futu...
Neverwinter players who like a challenge should be pretty happy to see the game's latest developer blog.