Perfect World Entertainment (Page 16)

Interview: Swordsman's "Sandbox in a Themepark"

With the launch of Swordsman's latest expansion "Gilded Wasteland," I figured it was time to get some more information about this title as I honestly knew very little about personally.

By Michael Byrne -
Neverwinter: Rise of Tiamat Release Date Revealed

Neverwinter's Tyranny of Dragons module will soon be drawn to a close as the "Rise of Tiamat" update will drop on November 18th. From the official announcement: "As the Cult of the Dragon look to resurrect the five-heade...

By Michael Byrne -
Warframe Acquired By Perfect World (Well...Kind of)

The potential move that has had the Warframe forums ablaze for a while has finally happened, but it appears that more than one player was involved in the acquisition. There's a lot of "parent company" jargon in the acquisit...

By Michael Byrne -
Perfect World Adds APB: Reloaded To Arc Platform

In the next step toward their ongoing crusade for world domination through free-to-play gaming, Perfect World Entertainment has added its first non-PWE game to its Arc platform: GamersFirst's APB: Reloaded. Path of Exile is...

By Michael Dunaway -
