Once again, it's time to celebrate the event that started it all.
Once again, it's time to celebrate the event that started it all.
Starting today, Neverwinter will be rewarding players who roll new characters -- or maybe their first character if you've never played or have a really bored friend that needs something to do right now.
Once again, Neverwinter is under attack from the Cult of the Dragon.
Once again, it's time for Neverwinter players to earn goodies by helping the Lord of all Smiths, Gond, out with his work during the Wonders of Gond event.
Finally, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players can get in on the Star Trek Online Anniversary action with the release of the new Legacy update.
If you've been waiting for something new to do in Champions Online, you're officially covered.
On March 5, Star Trek Online players will be able to take part in a Featured Event version of the Battle of the Binary Stars as part of a feature that will not only reward them with items but also help them earn progress toward ...
Calling it a "frustrating pain" to have to log in twice to play its games on Steam -- once on Steam and once on Arc -- Perfect World Entertainment now allows players to link their Star Trek Online and Neverwinter accounts on t...
If you've played any amount of Magic: The Gathering, you've eventually run into one of those blue decks.
Nothing says "Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln" like dressing reptilian alien races in his trademark outfit.
Mages aren't all flimsy glass cannons who like to shoot fireballs from a safe distance.
Torchlight III, the game formerly known as Torchlight Frontiers, might not be free-to-play any longer, but if you were looking forward to its release, you might still be able to play for free -- for a little while, at least. ...
A couple of weeks ago on the F2P Cast, Magicman gave an ominous prediction that Torchlight Frontiers might never come out.
All hell breaks loose in Neverwinter today as the Infernal Descent module releases for the PC version of the MMORPG.
How much can you learn about Magic: Legends in seven minutes?...
It might be a new decade, but I'm going to make the same old mistakes and try to predict what I think will happen in free-to-play gaming over the next calendar year.
The Magic: Legends team continues its trickle of information tactics -- which is both a blessing and a curse for players interested in the upcoming MMO.
Now that the cork has been let off the Magic: Legends bottle, it seems the intent is to just keep pouring the information out a little at a time.
Perfect World Entertainment and Wizards of the Coast's Magic: Legends MMO is scheduled to come out later this year -- following a beta that is still somewhat in the future as well.
A new event has kicked off in Neverwinter taking players into the depths of Hell.
Star Trek just isn't Star Trek without the occasional run-in with the Borg -- at least, not anymore.
There hasn't been too much revealed about Magic: Legends since its formal announcement at the Game Awards earlier this month -- unless you're willing to dive deep into all the various social media channels at your disposal.
Christmas may be over, but the winter event in Champions Online is just getting underway.
Two and a half years ago, we heard that Cryptic Studios was working on a Magic: The Gathering MMORPG -- and really haven't heard much else since (though that didn't stop us from trying to predict what it would be).
There are only a few days left in what future historians will refer to as “the teens,” in the same way that I referred to the years 1910 to 1919 as “the teens” when I was growing up and yes, that makes me feel old.
Earlier this year, I poked fun at people who panicked over the 3% acquisition of Digital Extremes by Perfect World Entertainment back in 2014.
In the original Star Trek series, Harry Mudd was described by Captain Kirk using the words "thief," "swinder," "con man," "liar," and "rogue." Such colorful descriptors might make him the kind of person you wouldn't want as a ...
Once again, it's time to delve into what happens when science goes completely wrong -- or just ends up in the hands of the wrong people, which tends to be all the time.
Console players will soon have their chance to jump into Star Trek Online's latest update, Awakening.
About a month and a half after releasing on PC, Neverwinter's Uprising update has finally made its way to Xbox One and PlayStation 4.