On April 24, what was 5 in Blade & Soul, will become two.
On April 24, what was 5 in Blade & Soul, will become two.
Week Three of Guild Wars 2's Welcome Back campaign is in full swing, with a new free story episode available to all players who own the latest expansion. This week's freebie is Episode 3 of the current Living World season, ...
NCSoft is making "several impactful changes to core systems and items" for Blade & Soul on the 10th, implemented alongside a new event.
Usually, when a gaming studio announces layoffs, it's less about losing people and more about more PR-friendly terms like "reorganization" or "restructuring." That's typically all we hear about such things, as we're left in th...
ArenaNet is pulling out all the stops to get players back into Guild Wars 2.
You get an awful lot of loot in Guild Wars 2, and most of it usually falls into one of two categories: useless, underpowered stuff -- "greens and blues" -- that clog up your inventory and are salvaged en masse for crafting mat...
When Aion's Ereshkigal's Wrath Update hits, it will introduce several new instances as well as adjustments to the Glory Points system and class and skill updates. There are four new instances total, ranging in size from 1 to 18...
When your company lays off about a third of its work force, it's understandable that more money has to come in.
Another MMORPG has added a battle royale mode.
When Legacy of the Hongmoon Clan arrives in Blade & Soul on March 13, it will introduce the new talent system -- resulting in revamped class specialization.
Following this week's layoffs at ArenaNet, Guild Wars 2 fans are understandably worried about the future of their favorite game.
Blade & Soul’s next expansion – Legacy of the Hongmoon Clan – is set to release on March 13 and NCSoft wants to make sure players are ready.
Update 3, Monday 2/25: The layoffs have begun.
Get ready to indulge your He-Man fantasies in Guild Wars 2, when a new mount, the Warclaw, arrives in the game next week.
Usually, the fourth quarter of a year, which includes the Holiday Season, sees a bump in sales for corporations.
Can't get enough Guild Wars 2 story after the last episode's dramatic conclusion?...
It's almost time for another Blade & Soul update -- complete with an all-new 6-player Heroic Dungeon.
It's Lunar New Year time once again in Guild Wars 2, which means it's time to gamble on random loot -- but at least this doesn't involve loot boxes. This edition of Lunar New Year brings back all the activities from years p...
SuperData Research unleashed its 2018 Year In Review earlier this week, offering a wide-ranging look at the gaming industry's facts and figures over the previous year.
As noted in a previous post, Blade & Soul is celebrating its 3rd anniversary.
The Holiday season might have slightly delayed the latest Living Story addition to Guild Wars 2, All Or Nothing, but it will soon be live in all of its shiny glory for everyone to enjoy.
Grab your party hats and get ready because Blade & Soul is gearing up for its 3rd Anniversary.
So, yes...
Among the many things being worked on by the Korean Blade & Soul team is a new class -- according to a report on MMOCulture.
Aion may have been all dressed up for the holidays for a bit now, with the capital cities decked out in trees, snowmen, and other seasonal bits, but the holiday event has only just kicked off. Yesterday, NCSoft kicked off t...
Guild Wars 2 is building toward another showdown with an Elder Dragon.
It's a new Wintersday in Guild Wars 2 -- so new, in fact, that there's even a new event to explore!...
Starting today, a special event is under way for Aion players level 75 and above.
Today, Blade & Soul players can explore the mysteries of the Dreamsong Theater and discover what terrifying things live there.
Today is the last day of WildStar.