(UPDATE: Never trust Reddit 100%.
(UPDATE: Never trust Reddit 100%.
It's birthday time in Blade & Soul and that means in-game celebrations.
There's something in the ice!...
It might be a new decade, but I'm going to make the same old mistakes and try to predict what I think will happen in free-to-play gaming over the next calendar year.
The Lunar New Year celebrations -- a.k.a., when game companies throughout the world cater to their Chinese audience -- are just about to begin in Guild Wars 2.
ArenaNet may have downsized earlier this year, but it's looking to upsize at the end of the year.
2019 wasn't the best year for ArenaNet, but the Guild Wars 2 developer is choosing to focus on the good from the passing year while looking forward to the next.
2019 was … certainly a year.
Today marks the beginning of the festive season in Blade & Soul.
When the first Guild Wars game launched in 2005, players wore capes to highlight their guild affiliation.
Another Guild Wars 2 developer has departed ArenaNet, as spotted by MassivelyOP via Reddit.
NCSoft's Q3 2019 financials are out into the wild, and the raw numbers don't provide for a whole lot of swell talking points.
The Icebrood Saga continues in Guild Wars 2 next week, with the first proper chapter in the series releasing next Tuesday, Nov.
On November 13, Blade and Soul's fall event will return, giving players a full month to earn all kinds of special rewards.
A new update is now live on Aion's European servers and, in addition to adding a new 12-person dungeon, it also implements mass-battle PvP with up to 2,000 players.
Star Wars: The Old Republic is approaching the $1 billion mark in total revenue.
A new update, titled Blade & Soul Complete, is on its way for Korean Blade & Soul players.
Aion's pumpkin villain with a hatred for Ghoulash (particularly Pumpkin Ghoulash) is back stealing the ghoulash in question and -- of course -- it's up to the players to get it back and save the day...or at least make sure thing...
Over the next two weekends, Blade & Soul will be hosting competitive dungeon speed run events that will reward the fastest players with the best goodies.
In just a few short days, Blade & Soul's Lyn will become playable as an Assassin class -- in Korea, at least.
ArenaNet's co-founder, Mike O'Brien, is leaving the Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 developer to form a new studio.
There's a new way to play Lineage 2, and it's meant to be a less time-consuming option that focuses on "PvP, raids, and no extra grinding." Innova's 4game division has announced the launch of Lineage 2 Essence, a new version o...
Guild Wars 2 players have been asking for build and gear templates pretty much since the game launched, and soon, they'll be getting their wish.
Blade & Soul's previously teased Storm of Arrows update is now available, adding a new 6-player dungeon and a 12-player raid to the game.
Bound By Blood is the name of the prologue to the Icebrood Saga, the continuation of the Guild Wars 2 Living Story.
Aion is turning ten and NCSoft has set up a few celebratory activities for players.
It's been a while since we checked in on how the City of Heroes rogue server situation has been going, hasn't it?...
On September 18, Blade & Soul will receive its next update, Storm of Arrows.
If you didn't get enough hype from ArenaNet's announcement of the next chapter of Guild Wars 2 last week, you can check out a 18-page e-magazine (including covers), fresh off the virtual newsstands, that contains info about t...
Get ready for some epic pew-pew action when the Zen Archer class arrives in Blade & Soul later this month.