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Warface's Battle Royale Mode Has Arrived

Because it's obviously the thing to do, the latest update for Crytek and's free-to-play shooter Warface includes a Battle Royale mode.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Warface Adding Battle Royale Mode In Next Update

We hope you're not tired of battle royales in gaming yet, because there's one in the works for Warface. The announcement page doesn't offer much in terms of details -- or at least what will make Warface's battle royale diff...

By Jason Winter -
Armored Warfare Will Change How You Buy Tanks And Premium Time

The First Law of Cash Shops is: "If you're going to change how people spend money, communicate it like nothing else you've ever communicated before." Lots of developers fail to do that, thinking that people won't care about a ...

By Jason Winter -