Warface's Chernobyl update hits the servers today, bringing with it a new special operation, weapon series, the obligatory holiday event, and more.
Warface's Chernobyl update hits the servers today, bringing with it a new special operation, weapon series, the obligatory holiday event, and more.
A powerful creature by the name of Nihaz is leading a demonic invasion in Skyforge -- and it's up to you to stop it.
It's official, Xbox One players are finally able to explore the world of Aelion.
Revelation Online's Shadowblade Update is officially live, bringing with it a new class as well as general class related content.
Because it's obviously the thing to do, the latest update for Crytek and My.com's free-to-play shooter Warface includes a Battle Royale mode.
If you simply must play everything through Steam, now you've got one more option.
We hope you're not tired of battle royales in gaming yet, because there's one in the works for Warface. The announcement page doesn't offer much in terms of details -- or at least what will make Warface's battle royale diff...
If you're the type that likes your MMO classes a little sneaky and a bit stabby, then today is a good day for you.
In a move that would make Sun Tzu himself proud, My.com is heading to China for Armored Warfare's upcoming expansion, Art of War. Art of War features new PvE and PvP maps set in south China, along with some new Chinese vehi...
After four years, Warface is still going strong, having added eight million players since My.com's takeover of the game in January.
Certain items are about to become way more useful in My.com's free-to-play MMO Skyforge.
High level Revelation Online players can now hop into an all new raid for players level 79 and above.
The First Law of Cash Shops is: "If you're going to change how people spend money, communicate it like nothing else you've ever communicated before." Lots of developers fail to do that, thinking that people won't care about a ...
What's an Armored Fighting Vehicle?...
Skyforge's most recent update -- The Revenant -- is now available for players both on PC and PlayStation 4.
As of today, Revelation Online players have access to the game's latest update, UpRising.
Abandon ship!...
Update 0.21: Eye of the Storm is now live in Armored Warfare.
The next update for Allods Team's free-to-play action MMO Skyforge has been announced.
Play Revelation Online and have some cash to spare?...
My.com has announced the next update for its free-to-play MMORPG, Revelation Online.
Saber Interactive and Mad Dog Games' free-to-play racing game World of Speed will be entering Early Access On Steam in just a day.
Armored Warfare will roll onto the PlayStation 4 in 2018, My.com revealed today.
Today, My.com and NetEase released the Safe Haven expansion for their free-to-play MMO Revelation Online.
Skyforge is turning two and My.com is ready to celebrate.
Update 1.5 for Cloud Pirates is now live!...
Publisher My.com released a new update for its free-to-play online first-person shooter Warface today.
On July 26, Revelation Online players will be able to grab their own little piece of land in the game and start decorating.
Whether you call it an "expansion" or just "Update 0.21," the next update for Armored Warfare is a big one.
Even abandoned airfields need the occasional sprucing up.