It hasn't been that long since My.com announced the new Skyforge Battle Royale, but considering the company plans to release it by the end of the month, it only makes sense they'd be offering players more information on how it w...
It hasn't been that long since My.com announced the new Skyforge Battle Royale, but considering the company plans to release it by the end of the month, it only makes sense they'd be offering players more information on how it w...
Did someone ask for Skyforge battle royale?...
Warface is coming to PlayStation 4 as a free-to-play game next month, but you can get in to enjoy early access right now -- with the purchase of a Founder Pack.
Revelation Online is now available on Steam.
The summer holiday season has nearly arrived in Aelion and everyone will be able to celebrate the Skyforge way -- which apparently seems to involve sky-racing.
Starting today, Xbox One Gold players can download My.com's tank shooter Armored Warfare for free.
Earlier this year, I jumped into a test build of Conqueror's Blade, a not-sure-if-it's-going-to-be-free-to-play-but-I-want-to-check-it-out-anyway medieval war simulator from Booming Games.
Russian tech giant Mail.ru recently detailed its Q2 financial to investors.
My.com is bringing its brand of tank combat to the Xbox One next week, with the launch of Armored Warfare on Aug.
Back in June, My.com dropped a developer diary offering a general overview of their plans to improve PvP in Skyforge.
Console gamers will soon get their war faces on when My.com's free-to-play shooter his Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
A slew of changes are in the works for Skyforge's PvP.
The first installment of My.com's new method of content updates for Armored Warfare has arrived.
Revelation Online's newly released Imperial Wars update offers players the chance to engage in large server vs server battles.
Armored Warfare's PlayStation 4 tankers might have looked on their PC counterparts with a hint of jealousy for all the cool new stuff they were getting the past few months.
Revelation Online PvP fans have a new way to show off their battle skills and earn rewards while doing it.
My.com is fairly excited about the new Grovewalker class coming to Skyforge.
War changes a lot of things, and My.com will soon be making some significant changes to Armored Warfare's regular story content updates.
Revelation Online's First Contact update is available to play starting today, bringing with it both cross-server content and long-awaited localization for French and German players.
The goddess of flowers is finally returning to Skyforge in the next big update, Overgrowth, and she's bringing her some friends with her.
My.com announced the next expansion for its free-to-play MMORPG Revelation Online today.
Armored Warfare's Caribbean vacation is in full swing!...
If you didn't feel like ponying up for a Founder's Pack to get an incredible two-week headstart in Armored Warfare on the PlayStation 4 -- well, now you don't have to!...
Two weeks ago, we learned that Armored Warfare's early access period for its PlayStation 4 launch would start today.
In his first update since joining the Revelation Online team, the game's new Producer Ty Parr addressed the current state of the game and laid out some brief details as to what players can expect in the near future.
Armored Warfare now has a release date on the PlayStation 4, and it's Feb.
With 2017 coming to a close, it's time for Skyforge's producer, Volker Boenigk, to post the annual Producer's Letter -- taking a look back at what's happened over the last year while also looking forward to 2018.
What a wild and wacky 2017 it's been!...
It's the middle of winter -- who wants to go on a Caribbean vacation?...
Residents in Revelation Online can now purchase their own private island -- complete with an ocean villa.