Everquest II (Page 3)

BombPoll #4: Which F2P Game Isn't Long For This World?

Today is Halloween, so it's fitting that we should talk about death -- specifically, the death of free-to-play games. No, not F2P gaming as a whole, which we've covered before, but the death of individual games.

By Jason Winter -
Old EverQuest II Expansions Will No Longer Be Offered For Free

As part of their continuing efforts to kill off the EverQuest franchise, Daybreak Game Company will no longer make old EverQuest II expansions available for free. That was the news from the EQ2 forums over the weekend, when...

By Jason Winter -
Love It Or Hate It: EverQuest II

Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the ...

By Jason Winter -
EverQuest 2 Consolidating Servers In August

EverQuest 2 Executive Producer Holly "Windstalker" Longdale's most recent producer's letter makes official what was teased on the forums a couple months back: EverQuest 2 will be "consolidating" (don't call it a merge!...

By Jason Winter -
EverQuest II Merging Servers Later This Year

EverQuest Producer Holly "Windstalker" Longdale broke some oft-unwelcome news on the EQ2 forums earlier this week when she announced that her team would be merging some of the game's US servers to "tackle population health iss...

By Jason Winter -
Breaking Down The Daybreak Breakdown

I've been wondering for a while just how Sony Online Entertainment is doing, from a financial standpoint.

By Jason Winter -
Layoffs Hit Daybreak Game Studios (Updated)

Apparently, there will be changes with Daybreak Game Studio, and they're here now. Longtime SOE/Daybreak employees Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson and Linda "Brasse" Carlson were let go from the company today.

By Jason Winter -
Dragons Ho! Our EQ2: Tears of Veeshan Preview

While everyone's ooh-ing and aah-ing over the next big thing in MMOs – whether that be EverQuest Next, The Elder Scrolls Online, WildStar, or something else – it's not hard to overlook a game that's been chugging along and pro...

By Michael Dunaway -
