Sometimes you're willing to put up with a lot of issues if the friends you make are worth it.
Sometimes you're willing to put up with a lot of issues if the friends you make are worth it.
The update adds new story content, raids, and more.
Whatever you play, there’s an event for you.
The Year of Darkpaw continues and the Heroes’ Festival Returns.
The six hour video includes several panels on the game’s history and development.
Celebrating 25 and 20 years in the market, these MMORPG's have quite the show planned.
You can play ALL the games, but some just keep enticing you.
Expect celebrations, events, and patches.
It takes place this June in San Diego, California.
There are only a few spots for the in-person event.
These two game have been around for a hot minute.
Damn...you're really about to feel old with some of these big MMORPG birthdays!
Here are some of the reasons we love MMORPGs.
Repair and investigate the chunks of broken land off the coasts of the Shattered Lands.
The Festival is already under way.
Pre-order Laurion’s Song and Ballads of Zimara now.
Expansions are nice (just ask EverQuest and its 30th one!), but is it worth coming back sometimes?
Producers Letter for both games give us timelines for the next expansions.
Explore new dungeons, take on new missions, and earn new rewards.
It’s time to honor the Ocean Lord.
More free stuff for all accounts.
Celebrate Pride month with a pride of lions.
Collect the rumored power from the depths of Norrath.
Buy a house and decorate until your heart is content.
Experience the first EverQuest without leaving your own game.
Once again, they’ve dropped a roadmap for the whole year.
Discover new quests in unexplored regions of Ro and challenge perilous dungeons today!
Players will explore Ro's southern half to discover what's left of the Elddar Empire's cursed city.
Depending on your server, the event will be a tad different.
The announcement was part of the latest Producer’s Letter.