How hard do you want your Magic: Legends experience to be?...
How hard do you want your Magic: Legends experience to be?...
The lore for Magic: the Gathering was originally just "two wizards summoning creatures to fight each other," but over the last two decades-plus, it's evolved into a rich and complex multiverse of places and people.
The Voth have returned in their City Ship seeking revenge against the captains in Star Trek Online.
The open beta for Magic: Legends starts on March 23.
It's that time again.
"There are stories of an item of such great power that it can trap stars." That's the description of the Night Diamond on the latest dev blog for Neverwinter, which is all about the Vault of Stars dungeon coming to the game in...
Every MMO has equipment, and even though Magic: Legends is kinda-sorta not calling itself an "MMO," per se, it's going to follow suit.
After a short delay, Neverwinter has finally returned to Sharandar.
Star Trek Online players have been spending a lot of time lately interacting with characters and places from Star Trek: Discovery lately.
We have a little bit of bad (but not terrible) news for Neverwinter players tonight.
When you play Magic: The Gathering, you might think you're just flipping cards and tapping lands.
Perfect World Entertainment announced the launch of a new charity program today.
Development on Magic: Legends is still chugging along, though Cryptic Studios has been rather quiet the past few months, ever since announcing its launch delay to 2021.
This is apparently one of those anniversary weeks.
Today, Cryptic dropped a new update for Neverwinter with a very focused...
Another familiar face -- for those that are up to date on Discovery, anyway -- is coming to Star Trek Online.
Okay, it's been a while since Star Trek Online launched House Shattered on PC, continuing the Klingon War storyline.
It's been a while since Neverwinter players last visited the land of Sharandar, and it seems it's time to return.
It's that time again!...
Today marks the return of the Winter Festival of Simril to the village of Twilight Tor in Neverwinter.
Combat changes are coming to Neverwinter in the near future.
In just a little over a week, Q returns to Star Trek Online with his own special brand of holiday fun.
Changes are in the works to address some of the issues with item levels in Neverwinter.
The next chapter -- or in this case, milestone -- of Neverwinter's Redeemed Citadel has been made available to players.
Round three -- or rather, Milestone III -- of Neverwinter's Redeemed Citadel is now live, as part of the Avernus multi-part module.
We've probably all heard about how difficult it is for a game to transition from being a paid title to a free-to-play one.
The Klingon Empire has not faired well following the events of June's House Divided update in Star Trek Online.
In Star Trek: Picard, a driving force behind the show's plot is the Romulan hatred of synthetic lifeforms and the attack they executed on Mars to stop any further research into them.
Another event is about to take place in Star Trek Online, one that will hopefully help players prepare for the game's next content release.