Cryptic Studios (Page 12)

Star Trek Online Bonus Episode Closes Delta Rising Story Arc

If you didn't get enough fanboy squealing in from all the voice actors who signed on for Star Trek Online's Voyager-themed Delta Rising expansion, Perfect World and Cryptic have one more for you to gush over, while also tying ...

By Jason Winter -
Neverwinter: Rise of Tiamat Release Date Revealed

Neverwinter's Tyranny of Dragons module will soon be drawn to a close as the "Rise of Tiamat" update will drop on November 18th. From the official announcement: "As the Cult of the Dragon look to resurrect the five-heade...

By Michael Byrne -
Lore Corner: Interview with Neverwinter's Loremaster, Randy Mosiondz

With Tyranny of Dragons concluding on the Neverwinter severs soon, the release of the 5th Edition rule set for tabletop D&D players, and the general hype surrounding all of the D&D world right now, we thought this would be a g...

By Michael Byrne -
