UPDATE: The compensation packages have been released and here are the contents: 1x Pure New Year Activewear 1x Scroll: Winged Love Paddleboat 3x Bound Worker's Compensation: 1000 50x Bound Tax Certificates ...
UPDATE: The compensation packages have been released and here are the contents: 1x Pure New Year Activewear 1x Scroll: Winged Love Paddleboat 3x Bound Worker's Compensation: 1000 50x Bound Tax Certificates ...
LawBreakers looks neat, and I'll certainly want to check it out when it goes live.
It's been a year of ups (a few) and downs (more than a few) for Trion Worlds' free to play MMORPG, ArcheAge, but it has in fact been a year now since the game launched here in the West.
Update 2.0 will be coming to Trion Worlds' free to play, sandbox, MMORPG, ArcheAge soon.
Trion Worlds has issued an FAQ document to ArcheAge players about the upcoming Server Evolution process.
Need a little boost while playing some ArcheAge?...
Trion Worlds always been listening to the negative feedback regarding ArcheAge -- the question has been whether the company could do anything about it. In response to a lengthy thread on the official forum regarding ArcheAg...
It's easy to rag on ArcheAge most times.
It's not uncommon at all to see your favorite MMO, no matter how popular, take steps to bring players closer together as the game ages.
"Moderate based on quality, not opinion.
Google is my spirit animal.
There's another ArcheAge update just around the corner so Trion Worlds is starting to release some of the details players can expect to see in game.
Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the ...
MMO gamers love it when they get surprise emails from a game they used to play giving them a bunch of goodies to get them to come back and play.
Things always get a little dicey in ArcheAge come update time.
If you're an ArcheAge fan and you like long quests, lots of crafting, and a fair amount of work to get an awesome weapon (a la Final Fantasy XIV), the new Obsidian Weapon quest line that will be added in the Secrets of Ayanad ...
ArcheAge's new Producer, Merv "Khrolan" Lee Kwai, took to the ArcheAge forums to drop a new Producer's Letter detailing some of the plans Trion Worlds has in store for the free-to-play MMORPG. Khrolan dives right in and add...
"You don't like ArcheAge?...
In case you missed it, the ArcheAge servers have been having issues for the past few days.
It's sometimes difficult deciding what to write up for the site.
So, first there was an alleged "APEX Duplication" exploit in ArcheAge, then according to Scott Hartsman (Trion Worlds CEO), there wasn't one.
Gamevil, publisher of numerous free to play mobile games, has entered into a deal with XL Games to bring ArcheAge to a mobile device near you.
This might be the most interesting forum thread I've read through in quite some time.
ArcheAge Producer Victoria "FireCait" posted a lengthy letter to the fans on the game's forums today, most of which dealt with the less-than-stellar launch of Auroria to the game's servers earlier this week. As many players...
ArcheAge has had its share of problems, but while many of them are technical in nature – queues, hackers, botters, DDoSes, etc.
I'll admit, I didn't know Notorious Games' sandbox MMORPG Xsyon had gone free-to-play.
For those of you that are having a hard time getting land in ArcheAge, or those of you just looking for something new to do, get ready!...
If you've been following the launch of ArcheAge even remotely closely you already know there have been many ups and downs.
The image above is taken directly from the Archeage official website and was posted on June 25th, 2014.
In the latest of the great land debates in the free-to-play title ArcheAge, hacking steps up to take its turn at the front of the line.