North American ArcheAge players haven't exactly enjoyed the weekend they had planned out when it comes to the launch of the fresh start servers.
North American ArcheAge players haven't exactly enjoyed the weekend they had planned out when it comes to the launch of the fresh start servers.
Sometimes it's just too easy to rag on Trion Worlds and particularly ArcheAge.
Over the weekend, Trion Worlds promoted its new Revelation Pack for ArcheAge via Facebook.
Earlier this week, Trion experienced server issues across its games.
Black Friday is almost upon us, and soon the braver (or crazier) among us, will be beating the tar out of each other in department stores in order to get the best deal on that sweater their kids never asked for.
Recently, players using the Dallas datacenter have been experiencing a large amount of disconnects and lag while playing ArcheAge.
On December 10th, Trion Worlds and XLGames will unleash the 3.0 expansion, Revelation, on the ArcheAge servers and, you guessed it, just like every company says, Revelation will be the biggest update ArcheAge has ever had to d...
PAX West is kicking off tomorrow and Trion Worlds will be there in full force highlighting new content for four of its games: RIFT, ArcheAge, Trove, and Atlas Reactor.
ArcheAge Version 2.9, Build 9.2 is here.
Recently, the ArcheAge team answered a variety of questions on their Twitch channel.
Are you creative?...
Here in the real world, Summer's been hanging out for about a week now, but in game...
The Goddess of Hatred is returning to ArcheAge.
If being a part of a faction in MMOs sounds stale to you, why not make your own?...
If you haven't logged into ArcheAge in a while and any of your characters are under level 40 you might want to get on that -- if you don't want someone else to run off with your name, that is.
ArcheAge's April update is bringing changes to the auction house, in the form of a merge.
Once again, players are upset with Trion.
When you think of scammers in video games, you might think of those people who are out to get your password and steal your account in order to sell it off bit by bit for real world money -- which will then likely be used to expa...
Trion is receiving flack from players after the ArcheAge community team decided to intervene and reverse an in-game scam incident.
In celebration of Spring, Trion is offering 5 free days of Patron time to players of its free-to-play MMO, ArcheAge.
Players looking to earn extra goodies in Trion's free-to-play MMO ArcheAge, will have plenty of opportunity between now and March 22.
Trion Worlds is taking a lot of heat recently for the changes it's made to the cash shops in Rift and Trove.
Trion swung the ban-hammer hard this weekend after receiving multiple reports from players that a guild used an exploit to get the server-first Leviathan kill. ArcheAge's Senior Community Manager, announced the decision on th...
In honor of the Chinese New Year, XLGAMES had decided to add a new pet to ArcheAge Korea -- a monkey.
The Call of the Bloodsong event has kicked off in the free-to-play MMO Archeage.
Trion Worlds keeps chugging along with ArcheAge, and this week's Update 2.5 adds some huge chunks of content to the game, all of which can be yours for a song – if you survive the song, that is. The Bloodsong update adds ...
Trion Worlds will be unleashing Update 2.5: Bloodsong in the world of ArcheAge soon and more details will be revealed over the next few weeks but so far we do know that the new update will feature a brand new dungeon.
From wizards to ninjas, starships to battleships, there's a free-to-play game for just about everyone out there.
ArcheAge's "Pawesome Festival" is on the horizon (Nov 14 - Nov 28) and it is bringing all kinds of furry companions for players to adopt and raise as their own.
I love Founder's Packs!...