Forsaken World
Forsaken World is a free to play 3D fantasy mmorpg developed by Perfect World Entertainment inspired by European mythology. Players worldwide can anticipate a exhilarating gaming experience in Forsaken World including smooth animations and visually stunning graphics streaming on Angelica, Perfect World's very own proprietary 3D graphics engine.
About Forsaken World
Forsaken World is a free to play 3D fantasy mmorpg developed by Perfect World Entertainment inspired by European mythology. Players worldwide can anticipate a exhilarating gaming experience in Forsaken World including smooth animations and visually stunning graphics streaming on Angelica, Perfect World's very own proprietary 3D graphics engine.
Forsaken World offers 5 distinct races (Stonemen, Elves, Dwarfs, Humans and the Kindred) each with their own in-depth narrative and history, 8 classes (Warrior, Protector, Assassin, Marksman, Mage, Priest, Vampire and Bard), 11 occupations to choose from (Socialite, Adventurer, Merchant, Collector, Arcanist, Botanist, Astrologist, Armorsmith, Bladesmith, Tamer and Alchemist), and more.
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They "no longer feel there is room for FW to flourish and grow".
2 years agoSystem Requirements
Windows XP / 2000 / Vista / 7 / 8
Memory1 GB For Windows XP
Storage8 GB
Intel Pentium 4 1 GHz / AMD Equivalent
GraphicsGeForce 4 Ti4200/ Radeon 8500 64 MB
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
If u are a newbie wanna try this game...pls to stop and run away.Everything required to progress are obtained via cash shop the only thing doesnt is champion gear(assuming u are a pve player). If u wanna start from zero and doesnt want to throw a bundle of cash its going to be really hard.Lack of community helps and hours hours of grinding like mad.
Arena and frostgate ford (PVP) is dead as desert LOL
A lot of broken link and description from main questline.Never ending daily quest.
Totally waste of time.Play GW2 even way better than this game
Sincerely a LH player.
Races are unbalanced, ppl are allowed to make infinite alternative-toons and dual enter, wich means many things players do using toons of their own, playing in solitaire in a MMO game.
FW lately offered a few things for free, but those things were the same things players could make with jobs, so, FW destroy the time (years in most cases) many ppl invested in rise jobs as Tamer or Weaponsmith for ex.
Lately OP players dominate the game, leaving almost no space to common ones. Dont think in pvp if you have no wings lvl3, and Masteries and Resistences over 70% total (have M and R in lvl as 70 is a lot, a lot of money)
Many players left the game after the last patches. Dont know why, but FW blocked many zones with the excuse of the development of the history, but I think FW entered in a tornado and I have no idea how they could do to to escape for their own trap.
My final advice? As Im in, cant say "dont enter!", besides, what is exccesive for me could be not so for others. Play a few days and see for yourself.
-Pay to win (Completely)
This game require 1000$ dollar to be with the top dog on the leader board. What a huge shame.
Something I found REALLY nice was the auto route system when I was a noob. Big maps are hard to navigate around by there's a link to every npc or next questline (98% of the time... other 2% you gotta think- even then its npcs you pass every day).
To be completely honest there are some mean people on the game but that shouldnt ruin the whole bunch. Personally, I play on the PvP Eydra server. Lionheart tends to be an overall nicer server (PvE).
The PvP on the PvP servers isnt too hardcore bad. Hardly anyone pks low level people (also unable to pk people under lvl 30) And for the super PvP people there's always cross-server or duels or just plain pks outside safe zones.
For anyone who wants to be safe in a pk zone, use night protection after 23:00 server time (PvP servers/realms for eur). Set your combat assist(gain this at lv 60) to "none" (or "Stationary" if you plan to bot kill overnight) and click start. In 5 min from clicking start, you are protected till about 8:00 am server time.
Class system is nicely done but cant change classes once created. Can customize skill trees with skill points to make your character better. Soulpower tree wit Dyos/ Nyos is another thing that makes your character kick ass.
Bottom line is.. this game is pretty complex so if you like simple games.. this ain't it. Some may say this game doesn't take creativity and skill but it obviously does to be good at anything. Unless youre assassin, demon or reaper class then you have an OP broken class that DESPERATELY needs to be majorly nerfed *ahem* yeah.
as you charge for games you get a charge level (title) that you can showoff to other player and show off your god status.
they roll back the whole servers just because of a bug that alowed many Free players awesome ways to make gear better.
with recent patch their pvp is screwed cause people to attack each other with no dmg and after 2 weeks ITS STILL NOT FIXED.
ms(mercury statues) with where only major method of income is not destroyed with new patch.
now u cannot make any profit with ms(mercury statues)
their service also sucks a lot in their forum people that stated that cash shoping is making people too much OP (overpowerfull) thier thread were closed by GM's and than a new rule was placed that their will be no talk of people cashing for games?LOL
trust me i wasted 3 years on this game DON'T waste yours and too all fagots saying this game is good go jump from a cliff
you indeed one of thoose c0cksuckers that want people try it out pretending its a good game stating totally false arguments to people and misleading them to play PWE s.hitgames especially Forsaken World!
Your statements are definitely not true and to be precise the so called "free items"!u c0cksucker mention!!! you masterly forget to mention that this "free items" are in 99.9% totally useless or for the rest 0.01% are given so that the new comer (who btw listened to your bull crap) SPEND MORE from hes/ hers hard earned money in a supposedly F2P mmo game!
Adam Strife and all alike you you are truly a piece of s.hit! No actually a piece of s.hit is more worth
they isnt only one reason they suck they multiple reasons... should we start from the lack of in game support (that is not existant at all) or the fact that they supposedly free to play though they are not? should we continue with the in game bugs which are never fixed? or if they gonna be fixed they will prolly rollback all servers? LOL
with free 2 play some would understand ok i can download the game and start playing.
WRONG! and i explain:
In all of PWE games this is NOT the case whats o ever. In order to play the toons some gonna create some will 100% need to charge real money in this s.hithole games and it does not stop there. All those who will tell you otherwise, just fooling around with you, cause you know, they need people believe its actually free to play, though it is NOT.
They need people like you to believe in this PWE F2P bull crap. Who is they? It's all this no life s.hitheads which have charged tons of in real life money in order too enhanced the so called gaming experience. They need you in order to have a large community, so they can easily own you everywhere, in every aspect of this dump s.hithole games!
It does not stop there cause on top, all this dump asses will try to convince you as new comer that its actually possible to have a chance to play decently for free! LMFAO! well go try it out and get owned.... go try it out and see for your self that the only classes for which PWE cares are the "cash cows" such as sins, warriors and maybe vamps nothing else. All other classes are nerfed to the bottom, making it absurd to play them.
It goes so far that in perfect world international and in forsaken world there is absolute no need for a tank class in some cases not even for a healer! if u don't believe me just go and try it out, but do your self a favor and DON'T charge a dime from your hard earned money.
I assume all PWE games are alike PWI and FW so in conclusion since i played them both. with hand on heart i can tell they absolute not enjoyable for free and advertising that they F2P is just another scam, since some has to charge real large amounts of money to enjoy playing + this do NOT apply for any class. So if u gonna charge to make a tank your money is a waste, since the only classes they care for are assassins, warriors and maybe vamps.
in conclusion for all of the above and more: PWE and all they so called F2P SUCK ALOT!
that's all
cash > skills
unbalanced class assassins water bards vampire and warrior dominate pvp (sin is dominant class )
so many unbalanced stats booring pve instance r very booring. end is full pvp all cool stuff comes from pvp and with weekly bogos(buy1 get 1 free) they ruin the in game economy
in order to make money u need to buy ms(mercury statues) from other Csers and u make like only 30silver profit per run so its not worth it another way is NC(Nightmare carnival) alts so u have to make an alt level it to 60 and spam NC for gold and keep doing it again and again till u make enough gold
this game is good but failed due to gready system
Constant crashing for over a year. Load crashing ruins your daily instance runs such as GT and GL. Also ruins arena score. Known issue, has never been fixed.
Auction house search crash. Known issue, has never been fixed.
Why worry about botting? When it's built into the game. No really, you can bot in this game, and its perfectly ok to run multiple clients and do so. Horrible idea.
Cash shoppers are much more powerful. You can "farm" gems and gold to upgrade for years.. or just spend $1000-$5000 and destroy everyone.
No level limit on armor quality, fortify level, or gem strength makes lower level pvp a cash shopper only arena.
Rift is the same allowing only major cash shopped guilds to bid. Very poor balance.
12v12 is the only random team pvp, but the rewards take months if not a year for War God set. Most of the time its filled with cash shoppers that make it very unfair and annoying.
Wrath is annoying during pvp and forces you to collect yellow balls like you're playing Pacman mid duels and fights.
PvE is repetitive and very boring. Same quest every day. Very slow, boring and I found myself falling asleep and botting everything.
Game has less and less players
The skills are allll the same on every type of talent tree. Example, Ice Mage, Fire Mage, Wind Mage all use the same basic skills.
Graphics are decent, but the game is CPU heavy (core i7@3.7ghz) and doesnt even warm my gtx 560ti. If you max graphics you crash everyone other screen. If you lower them, you crash less often, but still experience frame skip and need to reload client to refresh corrupted data.
Tech support is the worst ever. The community is foul, unpleasant and childish.
I have played Ferentus, Dialbo series, Guild Wars, and many MMO's. This is by far the most cash hungry company that I have ever seen and suggest to check the BBB rating of F before ever spending a dime of giving them any of your time.
2/10 for the decent graphics.
- You must win once in 12v12
- You must partake in the arena to get good gear
- You must do glistening lowland to get gold (if F2P) or gems (Works for both F2P and CSers)
- You must do Nightmare Carnival
- You must do Life in the harbor
and much more...
Its this kind of stuff that kills MMORPGs
Graphics - Pretty decent, I'd put them on par with Rift. My only gripes with the graphics are that some of the player characters are a bit shabby around the edges; fingers ending in points, incorrect polygon motion while moving. Also, it follows the horrible mounting idear of most mmos - anybody who wears robes and mounts will have their robe expand to fit the position of their legs and the fabric will clip straight through the mount.
Gameplay - Okay, here is where FW will get a handful of slaps. First off, the quest selection is incredibly small and very inadequate in explaining any of the overarching storyline. Secondly, the experience curve is RIDICULOUS; you need experience in the billions for the last 10/15 levels. That's right, billion. Not million. And building from that, there are criminally few quests available to cope with this massive curve - you will be doing daily quests for months on end. So the grind passes the extreme marker and curves right back around to rank as "idiotic." Also, the number of zones is criminally small for a game that boasts a level cap of 80. That being said, the quests themselves are certainly interesting enough and some of the dialogue choices made me laugh. Player professions or "jobs" as they are known are badly skewed in terms of raising difficulty (Scavenging, I'm eyeballing you!) although the actual creation/gathering system is certainly unique. The dungeons themselves are engaging enough with plenty of interesting mechanics although some of the later boss fights tend to phone it in a bit.
Community - Every MMORPG will have trolls, get used to it. That being said, I found world chat to be even less of a help than the Runescape general channel although there was no rampant insulting. One plus is an almost total absence of gold farmers. And the world channel will help you if you flat out request it (i.e. Advertise for a party or an accomplice for one of the co-op quests). But asking for general information - forget it. Ask Google.
Progression - As stated before, leveling becomes ridiculous very quickly, especially past 65. FW however has almost nothing in terms of endgame content. So you will likely get bored very quickly at the later levels, assuming you even make it to 80 in the first place. There is quite literally NOTHING new at level 80. You do the same things you've been doing the whole time, the only difference being the lack of experience gains.
Economy - No gold farmers. Extra points to FW for this one. However, making "actual" gold that can be used to buy and sell things from players/Auction House is not very well explained as FW does not give such funding from quests and monsters. Instead, the latter two will give "soul gold" - a currency used exclusively for item upgrades and purchasing skills/reagents. That being said, it is possible to make "actual" gold - it'll just take time and/or luck.
And so we move to the biggest cancers in this game. The luck system and the cash shop. Tackling the second point first, FW follows the PWI tradition of having a cash shop and subsequently, being VERY cash shop greedy. Player progression is either achieved through paying for it with real money or by putting in some serious hours. Want a mount? Either a)pay 20 dollars or b)spend the next month+ grinding for reputation. And when your rep grind is done, grind for 300 gold (or 3 diamond, same amount, 1D = 100g). Want reagents for your jobs? Either grind for hours to buy them from the auction house or fork over more real money to get those reagents. Do you want a halfway decent pet? Same story. Admittedly it IS a free game and needs revenue somehow but it's followed the Perfect World example of being essentially "pay to win" although to a slightly lesser degree. In PW you forked over in excess of 25 hundred for things. Here it'll only cost you oh...500 or so.
And the second pustle to beat FW for is its incredibly shitty luck system. And before you say "oh well all games like this are luck based," BELT UP. First off, yes, FW follows the usual tradition of each boss having a drop table. Luck will determine what drops via random rolls and your party will roll for items if they like. And yes, that part is acceptable. What is not acceptable is the following malarchy: Each item has a myriad of random stats that can be assigned to it when it drops. Each class has only a small niche of "useful" stats it can use and the rest are absolute tripe. So then, you require luck to get a piece of gear you can use, luck to win the bloody thing, and luck again for it to have something remotely useful. And if you fail on the last one, there is NO way to alter the stats save for one thing - re-identification scrolls. And what are those based on? Luck. But not just the re-id chance but also getting the scroll itself. Luck to get the scroll and luck again to re-identify something useful. Whoopee. And guess what's available in the cash shop? Those of you who said "re-identification scrolls," give yourselves a cookie. So then, if you cannot rely on luck, you're essentially screwed. But not just in the gear, no. Once you pass level 60, ALL of your future skills come from scrolls? And where do they come from? Random drops and event rewards? And how do you get them? Luck - to the tune of single digit chances? And even IF you manage to get a scroll, you need luck again for it to be a scroll you can actually use. In short, the gear system is asinine.
So then, FW. I'll give it a 7 out of 10 because I'm in a good mood. Otherwise it'd be lower. Points lost for an unhelpful community, excessive cash shop greed, and a terrible gear/skill system. But it looks very nice and there is one thing I will happily debase myself for and that is player fashion. Never before have I encountered a game that allowed my elfie to run around in a bunny suit. Although those among us who are female should probably remember that almost all fashion items will cost real money to purchase. But if you're friendly, you may find some soul willing to haggle a bit.
Can i run this game if i play with minimum graphics.....??
Can i run this game if i play with minimum graphics.....??
Character customization is not like Perfect World ( were you can change head body size etc etc)
but still has some nice things to make your char looks nice
the playable class's are
StoneMan (Tank) this race only has one class. Male only
Human (Warrior,Mage,Priest and Assassin) Both male and female
Elf(Warrior,Priest,Bard) Both male and Female
Dwarf (Marksman) only one class. Both male and Female
Kindred(Assassin,Vampire and Mage) Both male and Female
The gameplay is good you can join instance at lvl 15 and can auto party for it also at lvl 20 there is a thing called Gods Trial which when you use 2x xp scrolls you can get 1+ lvl for lvl20-32
You can catch a wide range off pets
it has GvG and PVP (pk only on PVP servers)
This game has 2 types off cash Soul Coins (used to buy Skills,hp pots, repair etc etc) and Play Gold (used as soul coins but also to buy from Auction house and Players shop YOU CAN NOT USE SOUL COINS TO BUY FROM PLAYER SHOPS)
Game is more of Quest Grind than Grinding off mobs as mobs giv low xp
Game is not Cash Shop wins type game
This game is Worth checking out
Game score 8/10
This is my First Review will try to do better XD