Gearbox Publishing Announces They Will Be Shutting Down Forsaken World

They "no longer feel there is room for FW to flourish and grow".

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Forsaken World Closing

Today, Gearbox Publishing, formerly Perfect World Entertainment, announced they will be closing Forsaken World. According to the announcement, the company "no longer feels there is room for FW to flourish and grow". The business-to-English translation of this is likely, "the game hasn't been making money in a while, now". Because of this, they've decided to shutter the game. However, they're giving players a lot of lead time. The gates won't officially close until November 30 ,2022.

That being said, as of today, players can no longer purchase currency for the game. Moreover, anyone who bought currency over the last two months, March 1 through April 28, will have their FW currency converted into credits on their Arc accounts. These can be used on any Gearbox Publishing Games. (Remember, they changed branding.) Games include Neverwinter, Star Trek Online, Champions Online, and Perfect World International. The refunds will begin in May and take about a month to complete.

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About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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Discussion (2)

OldGlory 2 years ago
Oh no.... anyway... spring cleaning for new owner i guess :D

monkyboom 2 years ago
I dont know why, they would have made money off it. it makes me sad

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