Trick out your ride and take to the post-apocalyptic roads for battle in Crossout, the free-to-play vehicular combat game from Gaijin Entertainment! Featuring a vehicle design system with endless customization and fast-paced, armor-crunching combat, Crossout offers high-octane excitement in brief and explosive matches.
You'll start with a basic vehicle that you can quickly upgrade with the spoils you get from PvP and PvE matches, as well as through crafting and the marketplace. Build your car from the wheels and chassis on up, add armor, weapons, and other accessories, and then take it out into the arena to kill or be killed. The ways you can design your vehicle are limitless, and you'll always discover new strategies and innovative ways to turn your enemies into scrap metal.
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It's a little bit of a "something for everybody" update.
1 month agoThis has to be a nod to Starship Troopers, right?
3 months agoWhat’s post-apocalyptic vehicular warfare without mechs?
4 months ago
Great idea. Too bad the actual practice is sadly lacking. Win 1 in 15 games. Get 5 gallons of fuel and a measly handful of rewards.
Great idea. Sadly game theory went out the window on this one. Pit your team against the other. Then see that much of the time the opposition (even the BOTS) have a power rating 4 times what you team has. Wait 5 minutes for 20 seconds of your vehicle being blown to smithereens.
Great idea. If you like spending real cash on virtual items you probably can get on the team with the huge power ratings. Otherwise, you limp along hoping to be devious enough in contructing something that will last more than 20 seconds on the mission and/or battlefield.
Great idea. Just needs a complete overhaul as far as the battles go. Building a vehicle is awesome and the part that is the most fun. After that, it's mostly waiting for frustration.
Over two years in development with terrible balance in PVP, limited number of maps and mods for PVP and on top of it the game is pay to win. Laced with micro-transactions to take full advantage of players well before the game is being close to being finished, which the game is really far from it.
Now since that is out of the way, here is a small list of problems with the game.
1. P2W:
A. Problem: Players are able to buy high level items without reaching the required level to build it.
Solution: Make it to where if the player can not build the item they can not use the item.
Now I am not saying that the player can not own it, they can buy it to hold for trade to another player or to play the market and try to gain a profit.
B. Problem: Renting workbenches is only attainable with credits either with real money or playing the market buy selling your reward items.
Solution: Game needs to offer one free workbench rent through completing Missions, jobs or even a season.
Offer 1 free workbench a week
2. Matchmaking:
A. Problem: Power scores are meaningless.
High level player or Cash shop players against low level players or against new players
In-game bot fillers are ill-equip and the bot AI's needs to be adjusted.
Solution: A Fair and Balance fix is to make White items a tier 1 class so that players can face against other tier 1 players. Blue items would be tier 2, Purple items would be tier 3...etc.
When a player installs blue and purple item on their frame, the player will be put in the tier of their highest tier item regardless of the power score.
Introduce blue frames for blue builds purple frames for purple builds ….etc and addition cabs for variety of power, structure and mass for the color frames.
A player can not install a blue part on white frame, but can install white part on a color frame if they so choose, but the player will still battle in that color frame bracket.
3. Limited Maps: Add a Snow wasteland, canyons or caves...etc
4. Limited Mods for PVP: need to add control point mod, capture the flag mod, bomb run mod...etc
5. Salvaging: example.
If a player buys or builds color items that uses all three type of materials: scrape, wires and copper. The player should get a percentage back from all three types.
6. Drones: Builds should have only one type of drone, not 2/3 of the same kind. Players can have 3 drones, but only one of each like one air, one wheeled and one stationary.
7. Fusion: Doesn't offer fusion of white items, and it seems worthless to even have it.
8. Non-mobile builds: The game needs to make sure all builds can travel (4 tires minimum) before entering into battle. Otherwise it doesn't keep within the sprite of the Mad Max / Twisted Metal theme if a player spawn's into the game without wheels.
This is a basic quality contol issues should have been solved durring closed beta. This just shows the nature of the company's tactic's of a cash and grab of a unbalanced / unfinished game.
Some bots say just buy it, what is the problem, Hey dude, I need to sell something first and if Gaijin is limiting everything how can I sell. On top of that I need better weapons and other equipment and it will cost me thousands to get something better, not to mention there is equipment that costs 35000 coins! That is about 350000 scrap metal! And limit is 2800?!!? However you can buy 35000 coins for $400-$500 but so you can buy 10 much better games!!
So it is not tough choice, play annoying game or play 10 best!
Personally, I found the ratio to be around one win in every five-to-ten matches. Could be simply bad luck but I had been taking note of who I was up against and playing with. The vast majority were overpowered. Plenty of one-hit-kills and such.
Teamwork plays a huge part in this game as well and will most likely be your downfall due to "crazy" people charging in and throwing the match. Or rushing the base instantly (which I find boring, as the match can potentially only last thirty seconds or so).
Now, that aside, it will take a long old time to get anywhere without spending money. Something I simply refuse to do in most games, as I prefer to learn my place and work hard. But (and quite a big "but" I might add) with the unbalanced matches and many losses, it could take a very, very long time to become a challenge to others.
The premise is great. The vehicle creation system is excellent, as are the graphics and controls (even using a controller, it's fairly accurate). It's just a shame that it has the same issues as War Thunder and isn't a full open-world MMORPG. I honestly feel like they have missed a trick with Crossout. It would play much better in an open-world environment, with missions, NPCs, factions, war zones, etc.
i would pay 500 dollers if you would put crossout pc game on ps4/xbox thats how mush i love guns with cars
please reply soon as you can
first as a player from alpha the "closed beta" seems to only have 1/4 the content most of the boring stuff to.
second the dev will never tell you anything or even come out and talk to the community in any way the admin on the game itself don't even know whats going on development wise this is scarey i hate devs that wont talk to the community even when the community is very supportive or honest in whats wrong.
as it stands most people paid to get in this game but sadly because of that a lot feel pissed bye youtubers entering the game with (unlimited money and max lvl account) making pvp with them a 100% loss because with high lvl mean more parts on your car and matchmaking is not good at setting up fair matches.
while i am at it the in game economy in the (Taxed paced market) is horrible and easily messed with bye few players one group of people manage to drain a large player bases money in less then a week amassing 22 billion in game money an amount spread across 4 people and 7 accounts. this caused the closed beta players to basically leave and wait for open beta.
the devs hint at a feb release for open beta well they were right its is now open beta IN CHINA !.
the N/A player base basically got ignore when they got outraged on the forums. the devs have ignored this and releases a (balance patch) which changed nothing in the game as far as content.
with this i am done with the game from the devs alone.
gameplay is like robocraft but with horrible MM less combat choices and you better make you car as armor and bulky as possible or you lose also if you try any thing new you will be punished
and you can enjoy waiting for every patch that (Balance) a weapon tell its op and the new meta while you get broker and broker from trying to make money. ohh and did i mention that you can buy the ingame currency so its pay to win also